[b][u]Mia Inuzuka[/u][/b] Mia was out shopping for new clothes and food before going to the ninja store to get some of her weapons fixed and sharpened, she was happy because she got the customer regulars discount. She smile before saying to the guy behind the till.[i]"I'll be back later to collect my stuff, see you then."[/i] she then left taking her other stuff home and putting them away. She smiled now that her fridge was fully restocked, then stroked both her ninkun as they came up to her. She sat down at her kitchen table to have a bit of a rest while she sipped her drink of water. She smiled content with the way her life was going then she remembered that the Chunin exams were happening in two days. She got up so abruptly that her chair fell backwards creating a large bang as it hit the floor. She sigh's before picking up the chair and quickly going to pack her things. Mia Inuzuka watches the different fights with interest. What drew her attention was her team mates fights, as she watched Masami's fight with keen eyes. she watched how her teammate delt with high speed and power attacks that were one of the traits of the Inuzuka clan. She smile as her fellow Inuzuka tried to find away around Masami's bacugan. When Masami won she decided to leave the stadium to go congratulate her.