Oh God, it was beautiful. The tower, the teeming airships, all of it...absolutely gorgeous. Reya's mouth was frozen in a permanent grin as she looked on to see the fruits of her labor. From a very flattering angle, as well. Who knew airships were this big on the inside? Very cool. Though, there was one uncool part...and that was the people. Not all of them, mind you. A lot seemed interesting, even people who'd she love to make friends with. It was just...well, there were quite a few complainers. One in particular was being quite a piece of work, on the phone with his apparent girlfriend. Reya couldn't see why that girl would deal with such a...well, a douchebag. [i]"Oh, Reya, that's not nice. Just keep going about your business."[/i] "Yeah, yeah..." Reya mumbled to herself, turning from the window to observe the crowds some more. She was in the main room, and as she looked around, she admired all of them incredible weapons. Each had a story to tell. Her hand unconsciously reached for one of the RIngs, which hung from her belt on her hips. They'd gotten her here, after all. As she looked around, Reya marveled at all the different people...a large, bear-like Faunus, a pretty girl with wolf ears who seemed so very giddy, and even a rather skittish boy in a tattered cloak, who had taken cover near a frigid-looking girl in a blue hoodie. Reya's gaze also travelled upwards, to see a scooter and a boy stuck on the ceiling. Isn't that something? Though, the girl meditating underneath him may have other thoughts... Reya laughed to herself, thinking it may be time to begin socializing. She had friends from Signal, but she doubted she'd be seeing many of them. They were more-or-less fair weather friends, so it wasn't much skin off her nose. Everyone looked like they had formed groups, save for...ah ha! She caught sight of a boy taking a picture of Beacon from the airship window. Reya took the idea for a spin, taking out her phone to snap a picture. Oh yes, that was good. Maybe she'd have it blown up, and hang it on her dorm wall. After pocketing her phone in her cardigan pocket, she turned to head out of the main room.It was getting too stuffy in there. Maybe she could find that big bear Faunus? He looked interesting. And by interesting, she meant that he was practically two feet taller, and built like a behemoth. Very intriguing. If he didn't snap Reya with his thumb and forefinger. Heading out the way he went, Reya noticed it was around the exit of the airship. Someone sure was anxious to start their Beacon adventure. Shrugging, she pushed on a bit to find the big guy. "Hey there. It is a bit full in here, isn't it?" Reya greeted. Well, he didn't look like he wanted to talk, but...he'd have to eventually, might as well start now! Wait a minute...she knew this guy! Not like, 'know' know, but..."Oh, you went to Signal, didn't you? Can't believe I didn't recognize you! Was it...Orion?" She asked tentatively, with a little bit of awe in her voice. Word around the school was that an Orion Armstrong graduated with amazing scores. And he beat up some jerks. Most definitely a plus in her books.