Viran let out a low growl as darkness covered his eyes for a moment and when it faded he was in some sort of clearing. He immediately searched his surroundings and saw two things. One was War staring at him and at his feet...was his mother. Beaten. Bloodied and her clothes were ripped and mostly in tatters. "What did you do to her?!" Viran roared as he clenched his hands into fists. Mina cursed as Viran walked off, seemingly pissed up to the point of her head aching and throbbing faintly. Why did this have to happen now? Right after she spoke to Viran, this happens and destroys everything she said to him. She cursed lightly as she got up after healing the young Valkorian, sending him off to the compound before looking around for Viran. His energy was gone, but a slight trail of his energy was left. She flew up and followed the energy before she came upon a foul sensing aura. She paused and looked at the spot the portal had been, the foul aura bringing shivers to her spine. Her body protested as she traced the energy to a distant location before teleporting, growling at the sight before her. Viran was here, in front of him War and Viran's mother, horribly beaten. The wave of rage she felt was only fueled by the anger Viran gave off, her spine was tingling and her eyes burned a fiery red. Viran's eyes flashed with rage as he saw the state his mother was in. He turned around as he felt Mina's presence behind him before turning back to look at War. "I'll ask you again, what did you do to my mother?" He asked in a soft, deadly voice. War smiled and patted his mother on the head. "I showed her the truth. How you failed her. How you'll always fail her. How you'll fail everyone." Viran's eyes were burning with barely contained rage. "Mina. Get my mother out of here." He said softly as he took a look at War. "Today, this ends." He said quietly. "You won't hurt anyone, ever again." "I doubt that." War said with a smile. Viran let out a roar of rage and launched himself at War and pulled back his fist and then drive it forward into the bottom of War's jaw, launching him up into the air. Mina cringed faintly as Viran's rage, his hatred, overwhelmed her senses a bit, her own anger being overshadowed. She looked at the state Viran's mother was in, she didn't look too good. She was bruised and beaten, clothes torn from the sheer force she was hit with, blood everywhere... it was a dismal sight. She looked up when Viran spoke to her, his voice soft, but the fury beneath it making the hairs in the back of her neck stand on end. 'You take care of him, don't worry about her.' she said with a nod. She waited for Viran to shoot forward, launching himself like a bullet, before moving towards his mother. She cringed as she got close, it was a truly gruesome scene. 'Don't worry, you'll be okay.' she said softly as she created a shadowy blade and started cutting through the rope War had tied her with. It took a while, but eventually Mina managed to cut through the rope, moving her hands over the Valkorian's body to assess where the most damage was. Viran cracked War upside the head as he came back to the ground and Viran could feel himself getting more and more angry. "Fight back!" He roared as he slammed his fist into War's stomach at full strength and slammed him into the ground creating an imprint in the ground. "I said, Fight Back!" He roared again as War looked up at him. For a brief moment his appearance seemed to become blurry before it became solid again. "Stop...Viran...please." War's voice seemed to shift for a moment to that of Valis's as Viran's assault stopped as his eyes widened in shock. Valis looked up at Mina and smiled a very dark smile as Mina checked her over. "Thank you...half-breed." She said as her voice shifted to that of War's and a blast of energy erupted from her hands and hit Mina point blank in the chest. Valis rose to her feet and smiled at the two of them as what appeared to a shadowy aura seemed to lift from both Valis and War to reveal Valis laying at Viran's feet, badly broken and War smiling with dark satisfaction. "Fooled you." He said simply.