Kasumi welcomed the newcomers a lot less friendly then she had him, and it made him feel good. Maybe some of the flirting wasn't all an act. He grinned to himself. This girl even during an undead ritual was on his mind. He shouldn't have spanked her. Caelyn shook his head. He placed his hand down in the sand like Kasumi and felt the magic surge into and from him at the same time. It was amazing quite a rush. He wanted to experience more of it so he squeezed his hand and let more blood flow from his hand. Faeron landed on his shoulder to bring him back to his sense. Caelyn shook his head and he felt a bit weak. He didn't realize how much blood he had lost. "There I paid my debt. I intend to collect. And you," he said looking at Kasumi. "I hope it will be a long night." He grinned widely. His head was spinning by this point but Eishund came out to support him. "Thanks girl. You are always there." "So who is next?" Caelyn held out the dagger that was coated in his blood. If the others blood was needed to get his reward they would get it. Caelyn looked at Kasumi and matched her intensity.