As he walked with Victoria he listened as she talked about her life. " You must have lead a very sheltered life if you were never aloud out of the castle". "That may or may not cause a problem, we are strangers and strangers almost always draw attention". "We must not draw very much attention we are just mere travelers." "You hired me for protection from the werewolves and vampires". Bur'nak found the sign of an inn he walked to the door and entered. He walked up to the counter the inn was well lit and well furnished. Smoke filled the air but the smell of cooking meat wafted from the kitchen. "We would like two room that are joining please and could you prepare a bath in her room." "Also bring the best soaps and shampoos you have." Bur'nak laid down a gold coin which was more than enough to pay for it. "she is also not feeling well so please tell your servants not to disturb her tomorrow she needs rest. We have been traveling for weeks now, i'm afraid her body isn't used to sleeping out doors and what naught." The man nodded the rooms will be ready shortly in the mean time go watch the entertainment." Bur'nak gently took Victoria by the hand and led her into dinning room/entertainment room. There was a musician playing a harp and telling stories he pulled Victoria's chair out for her to sit down.