Jurgen was interrupted on his way to his room. Eve wanted the key to get out the back door. He sighed and nodded, "It's three, eight, two, five, six, three, three." he told her quietly, "And remember to lock it when you come back in." that was the main part. If you didn't lock it when you came back in, what was the point? Then he headed to bed. It didn't take him long to actually get ready, since all he wanted was to sleep. And the cyborg did just that the moment his head hit the pillow. A deep and dreamless sleep welcomed him warmly, and he slept better than he had in a long time. His worries were taken care of, at least the major ones. He had new worries, but they weren't as bad as worrying about getting kicked out of his home imminently, and then getting shanked to death over a scrap of whatever he might manage to scavenge. So he slept very well, and thanks to the fact that he had nothing to do the next day, and no need to go rushing out to try and find money, Jurgen also slept rather late. It wasn't until ten o'clock that he was actually getting out of bed. He smiled to himself as he got dressed. Even with all the weirdness, things were getting better, he figured. Maybe things would be weird for a while, but they'd get better, or he'd get over it. And then it would all be good. Starting the day with a positive attitude was a good sign. Jurgen made sure he had everything he needed from his room, and then headed to the kitchen. This was a full day to just relax, he didn't want to spend it rushing back to his room to grab something he forgot. And then, as if waiting for the topic of memory to come up, his thoughts drifted to the contract he had signed. He hadn't even really read it. The cyborg grumbled as he got himself breakfast. His rest day was turning into a day to go buy a gun and see if he could ice a random serial killer. So much for starting things off on a positive note. Jurgen took his food and went to sit on the couch, wondering how Eve's night had been...