Joseph looked down towards Alexi's neck and nodded, not meeting his eyes. [i]I know, Master Alexi. I'm doing most of this to myself. It's what I deserve. I do lament that I cannot hide my fatigue from you as easily as I have from my other masters,[/i] he followed the human out of the room and locked the door behind him. Within a few minutes, he had already made the proper arrangements with some of the gardeners to have more plants sent to the M’Tinak’s room. “Leave them outside the door and send me a text when they are there,” he requested to a couple of the wood elf slaves. “I will bring them inside personally. The creature is rather young, and he does not know his own strength. For now, I would rather deal with him myself.” The elves nodded their assent and hurried off, and Joseph left to grab the box from the drawing room, finding it exactly where Master Alexi had specified. For most humans, the box would have been rather heavy, but Joseph carried it with no difficulty. Erik stood up as the lord of the manor entered, and could not help but notice the way he was bandaged. “What the hell happened to you?!” he demanded, rolling his eyes as he strode over to look closer. With a chuckle Alexi drops his undershirt, opening the wardrobe and looking for some comfortable pants to wear for the evening. [i]'Now that all that is over, I can lounge about in my room. . .I think, I will tell Joseph to let Mois in here. After all, with Erik being so tame, it should be alright. . .'[/i] In a s lightly dreamy voice he responds. “New slaves today, and one was very rare. I think I earned his trust. . .He is just down the hall, and so, beautiful. . .” Realizing his “Collector spirit” is showing he turns back to Erik with an apologetic smile. “I am sorry, I just, I have only ever seen them in concrete cages with a glass show wall. Being able to at least give an M'Tinak a room, and having him stay there willingly is. . .It is a nice feeling.” He smiles gently, tilting his head to the side. “I am a collector, I can not help feeling excited to have something rare in my possession, even if it is only for a short time.” Erik listened as Alexi explained himself. He gave a sharp intake of breath at hearing about the creature. They were so rare and secluded that even seeing one was a rare sight. But at Alexi's tone and explanation of his “Collector's mentality” he found himself frowning a little. “I cannot begrudge you your upbringing, not given what you plan to do for us. I am extremely glad that you can see past those instincts though. And, I imagine the M'Tinak is safer here than he is out there.” Alexi suppresses a giggle at the sound of the gasp from the vampire. [I]'Do not expect he ever thought to be so near to one. I hear they avoid other magicals as well for safety reasons'[/i] He nods slowly, turning back to his wardrobe and stripping off the rest of his now slightly bloody clothing. Thinking for a long moment over what he wants to wear he murmurs, “That is sweet Erik. I can only hope others will be able to accept such sound thinking one day. . . .” Glancing over his shoulder he adds, “After all, I am one of a kind and if any humans plan to survive this, I can see it only due to the good graces of magicals being able to forgive people who never knew what they were doing was wrong. . .” Turning back to the selection before him he grabs a simple pair of black silk pajama bottoms. As he slips them on he can not suppress the pained noises as his wounds are pulled in the process. Thankfully Joseph did a good job of bandaging him up and he doesn't think that they have torn open. Closing the door he turns around to face Erik. “It was really interesting. It was like talking to a rabid dog with the intelligence and wisdom of a dragon. . .” Alexi has no doubt that there are still dragons in the world, though during the war they were nearly hunted to extinction. No humans bothered even trying to tame them, they simply bombed their layers and harvested the bodies for useful body parts. Or so he's read in a few less credible sources. Elaria told him that most had been killed, though she's never met one personally. Erik drank a glass of water and listened carefully to the human, finding his description quite interesting. He was not insulted by the description of the M'Tinak as a “rabid dog” because he understood from context that it was not intended as an insult. “I'm not sure I still believe dragons exist. But, there was a time when humans found the existence of vampires equally unlikely, and it would not surprise me if there were still some of those creatures lurking about in the shadows, unwilling to make themselves known. The few drakes who work with us in the Resistance are incredibly powerful in their own right, though. I've never met a M'Tinak, myself. I don't even know much about them. And frankly, I'm glad. I don't blame them for wanting to stay out of this damn war,” he commented ruefully. “As far as my forgiveness, I've finally met enough humans over the years that I realize most of them are just apathetic to our plight. They are told by the media that we are just non-sentient savages, and any other idiotic lies to make sure that we are the bogeymen that should be controlled. So many of them cannot help how they were raised, what they were taught. I wish more would help us, but my anger towards them is gone. I only truly enjoy the deaths of those who actively own slaves or fight against us out of hate. I despise killing civilians, but often it can't be helped. With those plans I will have a better chance of finding less deadly ways to reach our objectives, for both sides.” Alexi smiles softly at the final sentiment, crawling on to his bed and rolling around a little until he's comfortable. In a gentle voice he stares at the wall and asks, “I owned my first slave when I was still in the age of innocence. Would you have hated me then for that?” He doesn't look at Erik, not really thinking seriously about the question, simply posing it to get a feel for the man. “I would have hated the privilege you were born into, out of a fear that you would never know better, and that you would perpetuate this shitty system. And, being honest with myself, I'm still envious of this luxury. But no, I would not have hated you personally. I don't think I came to hate you personally until you came into the public eye as heir to your father's company, but even then, I hated for what you stood for. Or at least, what you stood for in my eyes. I never imagined that I would be so wrong about someone like you, Alexi Vandros,” Erik replied honestly, sitting up on the couch. Turning his head slightly to see Erik out of the corner of one eye the human listens silently, suppressing his urge to ramble so that Erik would have a chance to talk. He knows how he works, running conversations, but if he is ever going to give the man the chance to be himself, he knows he needs to start by letting him express himself. [i]'Then perhaps I will better understand how he handles these intense emotions. . . .'[/i] He smiles softly at the mention of luxury. “Well, you should enjoy it while it exists. . .Though, you may live long enough to see the world settle a bit after the war and see such luxury, or at least a shadow of it, live again. . .” he murmurs softly, letting out a sigh. “I am glad you read me that way. It means I was doing things right to keep suspicious eyes away. . . .” It was only a few minutes later when Joseph knocked softly on the door to the Master’s room and entered quietly, setting the box down on the desk and waiting to until Erik and Master Alexi were finished conversing. “If I may ask, Alexi, what made you change your mind? Why did you decide to help all of us? I know you told me about your father, but that doesn't sound like enough to me. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I am curious. It takes a lot for humans to overcome their upbringing,” the vampire asked curiously. “That is a fair question. . .” he replies softly, watching Joseph enter and go about his business. “One I do not have a singular answer to, however I can tell you a little bit of what I remember. Honestly, what got me started was all a blur. . .” Rolling on to his side so he can look at Erik he stretches his uninjured arm up and rests his head on it. He gives the seated vampire a half smile. “What I do remember is that I. . . I always knew what a horrible man my father was. Even if it was not for the slavery thing in general.” He glances at Joseph. “What I also knew, is that Joseph was a far better father to my brother and me than one could ever hope for.” He looks back at Erik with a warm smile. “There were so many things Joseph could do that father was too foolish or too mad to even comprehend, and when I heard my father was dead and that I was not just seeing things, I thought what a horrible shame it is that the most amazing person I know had to serve that bit of filth, and never take any of the credit he deserves. . .” Letting out a soft sigh Alexi flashes Joseph a smile. “This one here is my real father. . .The one any man would be lucky to have, and in this world as it is he would never get the recognition he deserves. . .No matter how hard I try and beat it into his head how special he is to me.” He chuckles softly at the image of beating love into his mentor before looking back at Erik. “That is the most I can remember. There are other reasons, very vague and mostly lost, but they are still there, somewhere, driving me on. . .” Joseph listened to Master Alexi, tensing up slightly at the sheer love he expressed for him. [i]I have always wished that you and Mois could truly be my sons rather than my masters. But I never knew if you felt the same way before now. But … I can't... I cannot say that.[/i] “I am glad that you feel that way, Master Alexi,” he replied, bowing low. “I have only tried to do my job and serve you, Master Mois, and this household to the best of my ability. You give me far more credit than I deserve.” Erik merely stayed silent, floored by the gravity of what Alexi had said. But he felt like speaking now would be intruding on a family moment of which he was not a part, even though is question had been the catalyst. Smiling up at the elder vampire in the room Alexi lets out a long sigh, realizing that he just laid a lot out there for Joseph to absorb, adding to the ever growing list of revelations the poor vampire has been hit with as of late. “You are amazing Joseph, and even you can't deny that. . .” He whispers before rolling and sitting up carefully. Looking over at Erik he suddenly remembers the younger vampire's request. Looking back to Joseph he adds, “Oh, before you go to bed tonight, could you bring in some notebooks and writing utensils for Erik? He says he will need them to deal with the stuff in the box.” Slipping his legs over the edge of the bed he begins kicking his legs like a school kid on the bus. “You can open it now if you want Erik. It is all the information I have complied thus far. I planned on adding a bit more before the event, but I think this will keep you occupied for now. . .” His gaze returns to Joseph. “Also, I meant what I said about bed tonight. You need sleep to rest that overworked mind of yours.” His gaze drops down to his feet as they sway gently. “And Mois is now allowed up here, so if he asks. . .Tell him to just be careful. . .” Alexi gets lost in thought, the pain from his wounds meeting up with the pain inside, taking him for a excruciating ride he tries desperately to keep from the other two. Joseph looked back to Master Alexi with a bit of a guilty look in his eyes. “I shall try to get some sleep tonight, Master. But I have not yet finished my usual chores. I will be sure to sleep once they are finished. If you'll excuse me, I will return with supper for both of you,” Joseph replied quickly, turning to leave the room. Though Erik was not oblivious to the conversation, he quickly jumped over to look at his shiny new box, which he soon found was full of many of the materials Alexi had promised him. Floor plans, dossiers on prominent businessmen in the slave trade, enough to keep him busy for weeks, just analyzing it. Lucky for Joseph, Alexi isn't quite there when he replies gets ready to and race out of the room. Instead his hand goes over his mouth and he takes a shuddering breath, trying to keep whatever is left in his stomach down. His glazed eyes drift up a bit on reflex, though he doesn't really see that's before him. There is pain behind the glaze, but he fights desperately not to let it overtake him again. ~*~*~*~*~ Stuffing the last of the folders of information he'll need for his report into his satchel Mois looks once more around the room, the blank staring faces doing nothing to lighten his mood. [i]'Hopefully, there won't be time for another horror like this to happen before Alexi's plan. . .Though, I think the horror afterwords will be far worse, at that time. . .'[/i] He doesn't let his thoughts finish, the truth of his and Alexi's future too much for him to handle. Slinging his bag strap across his chest the worn leather pouch settles against his right hip and without a word to anyone, Mois heads home for the day. Joseph saw that Master Alexi was in pain, but he also knew that there was little that he could do for him. He returned within ten minutes from the kitchen, bringing soup for the lord of the house and a lovely fish supper for Erik. Setting both trays down on the table, he turned to his master. “I had them replace your dinner with soup this time, Master. You looked like you should not eat anything solid right now,” he commented softly, handing the human his bowl on a wooden tray. “Please be more careful, my lord, at least while the bonding is in effect. How long is it until the next dose?” Smiling, Erik grabbed his own tray, eating a few bites of the scrumptious food before continuing to look through the perfectly organized files. As soon as Joseph is out of the room Alexi looks to the only other inhabitant. A part of him, deep down, wants Erik to notice and offer to help, the kindness shown by the male something that makes him smile. However always the independent male taking things in stride he simply sighs, laying own on his bed with his legs still dangling over the side. He spends the time in silence, once more going over his plan bit by bit, picking at it, looking for flaws, adding new thoughts and information, and as he finds it once more without fault he manages to push away the pain and recover himself by the time his head slave returns. Sitting up he murmurs a soft thanks and begins eating slowly. “Day after tomorrow, early.” he relies, looking over to see Erik completely caught up in his research, likely not even noticing the food as he eats it. Letting out another small sigh he focuses on his soup, blowing gently on each bite like a child so he can eat it faster. Joseph was not blind to Master Alexi's glances towards the younger vampire, but he said nothing, for he would never embarrass his master by mentioning the looks with Erik in the room. Instead, he sat down next to the young lord and put a tentative hand on his shoulder. “I appreciate what you said about me, Master,” he commented quietly, looking straight ahead. “I am pleased to have served you adequately.” Alexi smiles gently as his once mentor joins him on the bed, trying to be comforting and respectful at the same time. [i]'I swear, sometimes he is so awkward, it is funny, but mostly, it is just cute'[/i] With a faint hum he sets the bowl on his nightstand and simply leans so he is resting slightly against the vampire's arm. He feels the urge to tell the male that “ adequate” doesn't come anywhere near covering Joseph's service, but a part of him knows that Joseph would not accept the praise right now. Instead his gaze returns to the man on the floor pouring over the content of the box like it was some sort of buried treasure. Joseph turned to his master for a moment, smirking slightly, and allowed himself a brief knowing glance. With that, he stood, strode over to the young vampire on the floor, and knelt down next to him. “Erik, come on and eat your supper with us. There will be plenty of time to look over those papers in the next couple of weeks, and I will have your notebooks by tomorrow morning. Right now, your food is getting cold,” he requested warmly, meeting the younger vampire's eyes with the perfect comforting smile. The rebel leader looked up, for a split second seeming annoyed with the interruption. But he listened, and even resisted the urge to argue. [i]He's right. There's no urgency in this. I can be obsessed later. It's not worth fighting about.[/i] “All right, all right, I'm coming,” he groused, standing and picking up his tray and pulling up a desk chair next to Alexi. “The food is good, and the intel is better,” he commented, in between bites, grinning. Joseph simply smiled knowingly. “Ring me if you need anything else, Young Master,” the vampire servant said as he left, using the old title he had often used for Masters Mois and Alexi when they were children. Sticking out his bottom lip as he's left alone moments later Alexi picks his bowl back up and continues eating. He listens to Joseph, looking over to see Erik irritated at the interruption. He chuckles silently, knowing how wrapped up in work one can get and how bothersome it is to be suddenly distracted. [i]'Aww, how sweet He sounds like he use to when trying to convince me to stop working myself into the ground as a child. He always managed to do that without sounding condescending. . .A very interesting and admirable skill'[/i] Eating quietly he watches as the younger vampire stands and makes his way over to sit with Alexi, despite it being clear that he doesn't want to. Alexi still smiles as Erik seriously lays into the food, complimenting it, even if those files on the floor overshadow the finely prepared meal. The human doesn't blame him though. He is happy to see Erik excited for something at least, the smile making his chest feel light. His own smile widens as Joseph uses his old title, the sound of it making him feel a little younger. Glancing at Erik he doesn't bother asking about the papers and what he's going to do with them first, other than read them of course. [i]'By the time he is free to use the information, I will not be around, so I shall let him share if he wants. It will all be in his hands by then. . .'[/i] “I am glad you enjoy both. Do not forget the dipping sauce for the fish. The head cook makes it special for me out of simple ingredients. . .” He smiles warmly at the thought, a part of him wishing he could have some fish too just so he could eat some of the mixture. Erik smiled, “Do you treat all your prisoners this well?” he asked jokingly. “The sauce is great. Tastes like Old Ben makes at home. Ketchup and mayo.” He paused for a moment. “Are you.. are you feeling all right? I'm used to seeing you sick, but you seem worse right now.” ~*~*~ Joseph was just about to switch gears to one of his usual chores when his phone beeped again. [i]Gorrammit I hate this thing sometimes![/i] he thought privately. The text was just Master Mois saying that he was home and wanted to speak with Master Alexi. [i]Right after I get that … young Master to stop getting himself lacerated, I'm going to get him to start replying to texts from his own brother,[/i] the vampire thought, slightly annoyed, as he set his bucket down and walked out to the foyer to meet the elder brother. “I am as kind as I can be, though not as kind as I wish I could be. . .” He murmurs, sipping at his soup. He waves a hand dismissively. “It is just my stomach. It seems after losing some more blood the physical pain and the pain on the inside have begun conspiring to make me catatonic.” He chuckles, eating a bit more soup while his insides burn happily from being worried over. [i]'This next dose should really help. If he really is as he seems now when it comes to his feelings about me, this pain should fade, replaced by his new emotions. . .'[/i] ~*~*~*~*~ Flipping his phone closed Mois makes his way into the house, not bothering to take off his shoes or jacket, the dirt and bits of rubble still clinging to his hair, skin, and clothing, faint trails of blood from the people he'd pulled out of the wreckage here and there over his upper body. Knowing how Alexi like immediate reports when one of his own buildings have been hit by the rebels he hopes the younger man will be available to talk right away so he can go take a shower afterwords. Erik had meant the statement as a sarcastic rhetorical question, but he was surprised by Alexi's honest response. “I understand,” was all he said, before continuing to enjoy his meal in silence. ~*~ As Master Mois walked in, Joseph took one look at his disheveled state and greeted him with a bow and a worried look. “Master... I … would you like some tea or coffee while you greet Master Alexi? And where would you like to eat your supper?” His voice was laced with a concern that he did not wish to show, and he thought that it would be rude to comment on the elder master's appearance. Mois shakes his head. “Where is Alexi. I have something urgent to report right away.” His voice is soft and a little hollow ~*~*~*~*~ Alexi eats slowly, glancing at Erik every so often, wondering about the male, but also wanting to let him eat. “Master Alexi is in his room.... with a guest,” Joseph replied, keeping his head bowed. He hated it when there was nothing he could do to help. Quickly, he led Mois to Alexi's room and held open the door, closing it behind the two of them after they entered. Erik looked up at the new arrivals, and could not help but notice Mois' state. But he stayed silent for once, only standing up to take a closer look at the man. Mois nods, moving swiftly towards the stairs leading to Alexi's floor, a bit curious as to why Joseph is not stopping him. Alexi wanted to keep him away from his room for a good reason, at least in his younger brother's eyes, and Mois is passingly curious, however the task at hand takes precedent. Following close behind Joseph he follows the vampire into his little brother's room, stepping to the side so Joseph can close the door. He glances briefly at Erik but his gaze does not linger, instead locking on to his less than stellar looking sibling. He can feel his worry rising but as Alexi's eyes narrow, looking over his disheveled appearance, he remains calm and focused. Alexi is shocked to say the least, though this is not the first time he's seen his brother in such a state. Needing the facts quickly and in full, along with his brother's eyewitness account which of course will fade in clarity as time passes, Alexi has seen Mois like this more than a dozen times. However, in his weakened state he can not help how the the image to makes his stomach drop a bit. “Report.” He orders softly. And with a nod Mois complies. “At approximately three fifteen this afternoon a rebel group attacked one of you factories located in the Shuba district.” His voice sounds cold, a simple reading of facts without any personal bias. “A missile, possibly more than one, was launched from an unknown location and completely destroyed the building down to it's foundation. The basement was intact and many slaves managed to survive the attack along with a handful of humans who had been down there at the time, however of the four-hundred and sixteen workers, magicals and humans, only twenty seven in total survived.” Alexi keeps his eyes up, his expression impassive despite the news that over three-hundred lives were lost. “The survivors?” he asks, just as softly. “Most did not sustain serious injury, however a few slaves attacked the humans out of fright, killing three of them, and the rest got out with a variety of minor to moderate wounds.” Despite his impassive face Mois can see the toll the report is taking on his brother. However, ever the good soldier, he waits until the report is over and he is relieved to do anything. Alexi lets out a sigh, dropping his gaze to the floor as his soup threatens to climb back up his throat. “Shuba. . .That would be. . .The security system factory.” Glancing at Erik he murmurs, “The stuff in the walls and on the grounds to help make sure the devices on the grounds all do their jobs. . .” He lets out another sigh, looking back at his brother. “The paperwork?” Mois nods, pulling out all relevant files and hands them to Joseph. He is unsure if Alexi will let him approach the rebel leader so he plays it safe and let's Joseph deliver the files when it's time. With a soft smile Alexi carefully climbs to his feet, walking gingerly across the carpet until he's standing in front of his older sibling. With a final sigh he wraps his arms around the filthy man's neck and lays his head in the crook of it. Mois does not move for a moment, then with his hands still in place behind his back he lowers his own head to rest on his little brother's shoulder. After a few seconds the moment passes and Alexi pulls back, Mois straitening up and dropping his hands to his side. Alexi gives his brother a strained smile, running his hands through Mois' hair, giving him a good view of Alexi's new bandages. Before he can comment however the younger male murmurs, “Use my bath tonight. You deserve it. . .” Mois nods, closing his eyes and rubbing them with the fingers of his right hand like a weary old man. With his smile still in place Alexi returns to the bed carefully and flops down on it, his legs danging over the edge while he tries to process the information. Mois finally looks to the vampire, the only expression in his eyes a staunch determination. Erik listened to the story with a stern look on his face and his arms crossed. Though he listened to the exchange between Mois and Alexi with seemingly little emotion, there was a wild anger in his eyes, one that Alexi and Joseph would recognize from when he was first chained up. When Mois was finally finished, he turned his head away for a few moments. “FUCK!” the vampire screamed, closing his eyes and breathing deeply. “I begged him not to! I told him not to use the bombs unless no one was in the facility! He said that it was for the greater good, and that not many slaves would die. FUCKING IDIOT!” He sank back down onto the bed, staring down at his knees, breathing deeply and just letting the pain and anger wash through him. He did not even notice that he had not introduced himself to the man who had taken him down. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!” he muttered. He put his elbows on his knees and sank his head into his hands. “Bastard wouldn't listen to me.” [i]Tehras is a fucking idiot. I've been at this forty years longer than he has and he still doesn't fucking listen! We are already the bad guys! Needless civilian loss, not to mention needless slave loss, just makes us look more like the criminals than we already do! When you have such powerful weapons at your disposal, you CANNOT act with such anger. You just can't. You must temper it with rationality. Fucking idiot...[/i] Alexi had expected a strong reaction of of his “Guest” but still, he twitches and tenses when he begins screaming and yelling. Other than upset new slaves, sounds like this have not been heard in this manor in quite some time and the boys are both loath to hear them again. Mois tenses automatically but seeing Alexi simply settle back into the mattress a bit he relaxes and watches the angry vampire. A part of him hopes that Erik will give up some little hint as to who was responsible, or at least where the bastard is, however as his own anger boils at the idea of Erik knowing that this might happen and not saying anything despite his obviously more trusted state right now. After seeing so much death his anger does not last long, overridden by his disgust and sorrow for all who lost their lives. He keeps his eyes on the rebel leader though. He trusts Alexi's judgment but no one knows what another will do under extreme emotions, and Erik is obviously beyond upset. Alexi on the other hand does his best to fight off his inner demons enough to actually move rather than lay there like a lump. Sitting up he looks vaguely confused, his gaze locked on the distraught vampire, unsure of how to handle his anger. When it came to his father, fleeing was the right answer. When it came to slaves, control devices and soft voices was normally the right way to go. However with Erik Alexi is at a bit of a loss. Drawing on his memories of what Joseph would do for him Alexi reaches out carefully and places a hand in the middle of the vampire's back. “There are a lot of fools in the world, and when fools are given power, one can only expect them to act foolishly.” he murmurs softly, hoping the quote will help, or at the least make sense. “And you can't expect a fool to accept he is being foolish. It's not in their nature. . . .” Mois nods slowly, agreeing with what Alexi has to say, but a new wave of confusion passes through him as he sees how tenderly his brother is treating his newest acquisition. He's seen Alexi be tender with children or weak slaves, however Erik is neither. The vampire felt the hand on his back, but did not lean into Alexi's side, but neither did he turn away. He just sat there, eyes closed, face torn up in pain the he still did not know how to hide as well as the others in the room. [i]I could have stopped it. I could have challenged Tehras. Somehow. Ahh, fuck... that's fucking bullshit too and you know it. It doesn't matter how much power you have. There was no way to stop this, no way short of ratting out the whole cell.[/i] “Fools shouldn't be given power. Whether that Leader was a fool... I can't answer that, and I knew him better than either of you,” he replied coldly. Joseph looked upon the scene with interest, but he was detached enough to avoid the pain. His concern was for Masters Mois and Alexi, and to an extent, Erik. He did not know what to think, or what to say, so he just strode over and put his hand on Master Mois' shoulder. “Sorry. . .” Alexi murmurs, taking the cold tone as one of offense, the stress of the day finally beginning to put his brain in shut down. Retracting his hand quickly he scoots away from Erik, drawing his knees up to his chest before falling on to his side, his head resting on his pillows. Mois recognizes Alexi going into shut down and wonders what else has put such a strain on his dear little brother. The touch of Joseph's hand is comforting but his worry over Alexi keeps him tense. Getting the feeling that Alexi isn't quite thinking straight he calls out softly, “I don't think he was offended. . .” Though a good judge of character, Mois can not be completely sure so he glances at Erik to see how he responds. Feeling too drained by the sudden shock, mixed with everything else that has happened, Alexi simply murmurs, “Whatever. . .” burying his face in his knees. Erik reached out and put his hand back on Alexi's side. “I wasn't offended. I was just talking, thinking out loud,” he agreed awkwardly, looking at the poor human. Turning to the elder brother, he commented again. “Sometime, not right now, I'd like to talk with you, Mois. Two sides of this shitty war. The man who took down the Great Leader and Commander Erik Schumann,” he said ruefully. “I'm curious to know the first person to capture me in two centuries.” Alexi relaxes slightly at the touch, his face coming out of his knees and his hand coming up to scratch at his bandages. He can't help but chuckle lightly at Erik's words to his brother, the chuckle turning into a yawn after a couple seconds, his brain feeling like jelly. [i]'This. . . Really is not healthy. . .'[/i] Noting the laugh Mois nods slowly. “It was not easy, but what Alexi wants he gets.” For some reason he wants his loyalty to his brother clear to the man who may very well take his brother's life a hand full of weeks from now. Turning to Joseph with a slightly softer look in his eyes he reaches out, squeezing the vampire's shoulder before making his way towards the bathroom. “Please grab me something to wear back to the hut.” he murmurs before vanishing from sight. Alexi groans, scratching at his bandages still, and from the open doorway Mois' voice echoes, “Alexi, you're only making it worse.” Whining Alexi sticks out his tongue but tries to stop. “I know, but it itches. . .” There is a definite pout in his voice. “Well, grow up and deal with it, you big baby,” Erik shot back teasingly. “Your only other option is to stop messing around with magicals that have claws.” Joseph merely hastened off to grab some of Mois' house clothes from the laundry room and returned within a few minutes. Nodding briefly to Master Alexi, he strode into the bathroom with the pile and placed them down on the table. “Do you need anything else, Master Mois? Supper will be delivered to your apartment and waiting on a hotplate by the time you get out.” Alexi lets out a light groan, slowly burrowing his way under his covers before murmuring, “These are bites. . .'[/i] He hisses softly as one of the bandages catches on his covers and tugs his shoulder wound open a little. With a soft sight he presses his hand over the bandage, letting the gaze soak up the blood so his sheets are spared as mush blood as possible. With a murmured “Good night.” Alexi is one more pulled into a pain and weariness induced exhausted sleep. ~*~*~*~*~ Mois does not hear his brother's quiet reply and he knows that whatever it is Alexi would at least try to stop. Despite the younger brother being the head of the house and the one to normally give orders, he still listens to his older brother when he knows it's good for him. As he slowly peels off his layers his eyes land on the clothes piled on the floor, his eyes narrowing as he recognizes the black lump of cloth as the same thing Erik is wearing now. The addition of his brother's shirt tells the next part of the story, and when he spots a mop laying about the elder wonders if there is any way to get the story of what happened out of Alexi anytime soon. He disrobes as he walks slowly towards the largest tub, knowing that it's against the traditions the room entails, but not really caring at the moment, just wanting to get clean. As he strips off the last bit, letting it drop to the near pristine floor, he glances over his shoulder at the tail of filth he left. [i]'Even at his filthiest, Alexi's never left such a mess in his life'[/i] He muses silently. Grabbing up a basket of soaps and hair cleansing products from the other tubs Mois slips into the big one and watches the ripples carry dust and blood out across the surface. [i]'But, that's what I'm here for. I'm here to take all the blood and grime, to be his knight'[/i] He lets out a single “Hah.” at that last thought and the images it conjures and relives that it's very true for the post part. [i]'Alexi would love the sentiment. . .'[/i] When Joseph enters and delivers his clothing Mois spares him a glance and a slightly sad look. “I'm fine Joseph, you can go. . .” he says before turning back and watching the scum half circle around him grow bigger and bigger. The vampire servant nodded and turned to leave. [I]I wish I could have been there to help them. For all the harm Master Mois does, his job does allow him to save lives too. I think my strength could have done some good there.[/i] But he would never say his thoughts. “Goodnight, Master Mois,” he said warmly, and walked out, mentally adding scrubbing the bathroom to his ever growing to-do list. Meanwhile, Erik turned away from the resting Alexi and put both trays on the table, deciding to get into bed himself. It had been a long day, and his mind had much to contemplate. He was unsure what to think now. In one day, he'd gone from furious at the eccentric billionaire to appreciating him. It was too much, too fast, and so he crawled back into his comfortable queen-sized bed, and fell asleep. Mois doesn't bother to reply, knowing Joseph is busy and likely knows the sentiment is returned anyways. He takes his time bathing, his day off tomorrow letting him stay up as late as he likes. He thinks on a lot of things while bathing, but like the crud he's scrubbing off each subject seems to float away from him leaving him stuck on the same issue he's been stressing over since Alexi had told him the final stages of the plan. However, ever the dedicated sibling, he still can not bring himself to go beyond feeling sad for what is about to happen. Once clean he drags himself out of the tub, dries off, and slips into his clothing before heading back through his brother's room. Spotting both inhabitants asleep he sighs softly, noting that no one bothered to turn the lights off. Going around the room he turns of all but Alexi's door side bedside table. Saving that one for last he carefully climbs on to the soft sheets. Leaning over Alexi he brushes a little of his hair back from his face before pressing a kiss to the younger male's forehead. “Good night, little brother. . .” He murmurs softly, casting a glance at Erik before sliding off the bed and turning off the lamp. Making his way out of the room and down the hall he glances back once, his mind in quite a muddle, but as he recalls the look on Alexi's face, that determination he'd had when he told Mois for the first time what he planned on doing the man lets his gaze drop to the floor and he leaves for his own abode without further delay. Joseph left quickly and went to his apartment to begin some of his administrative duties. [i]The North Wing can be left alone for tonight. I need to come up with some new ideas for where I'm going to fit the new ones in[/i], he thought wearily. [i]Maybe I can give some of my cleaning work to Natya. Master Alexi is going to drive me mad before he sets the others free.[/i] Later that night he sneaked into the master's room to drop off Erik's notebooks, clean up the room and bathroom, and remove the trays. Even after ignoring the North Wing, it was still 6 hours later, approximately 3 AM by the time he fell asleep. He set his alarm for 7. [i]One of the fouler inventions humans came up with, these things,[/i] the elder vampire thought as he fell asleep. ~*~*~ It was early the next morning when Erik awoke with a start. [i]Fuck. I have to start looking at that paperwork. How could I have let myself fall asleep instead of doing it last night?![/i] he thought as he jumped out of bed and walked over to the box, noticing the pens and notebooks. [i]Impressive, Joseph. I have great hearing and I didn't even hear you.[/i] Noting the lack of light, he walked into the bathroom. The vampire closed the door, turned on the lights, and began working at a side table that held some towels. He was still pouring over the documents when Alexi woke up. With a grumpy sound Alexi begins waking up, the toll on his body clear when even the expensive super comfortable bed did little during the light to ease his aches and pains. He tosses and turns beneath the covers and lets out small sounds of complaint. However after a few minutes of this his mind returns to full speed and he throws the covers back. [i]'I have a meeting this evening here at the manor for some of my accountants, a little rug-rat down the hall to spend some time with, the added bonus of the paperwork from the attack to go over, and I still need to manage to eat three solid meals and get in some exercise if I am going to be ready for tomorrow morning's dose. . .Oh, and I need to talk to Elaria about a laptop. . .'[/i] Slipping out of bed he clicks on one of his lamps, glancing over to see Erik already up and nowhere to be seen. He doesn't panic however, trusting that Joseph set the system up right and the furthest the vampire could be would be the bathroom. Glancing at the closed door he smiles, wandering over to his wardrobe to pick out what he wants to wear for the morning before lunch. After lunch he'll change into something more formal, but for now he decides to be comfy. Slipping into some gray riding pants, a white poet's shirt with a simple black and gray vest over it he closes the wardrobe and decides to at least greet Erik before he heads out for another hectic day. Grabbing up his own stack of paperwork Joseph left behind about the attack the master of the house slips into his bathroom, taking a few moments to let his eyes adjust to the sunlight before walking over to check on the rebel leader. His eyes glance over the papers, files, and folders scattered along the folding table and wonders what system Erik is using or if he's just trying to read them all first. He stops on the other side of the box, settled on the floor and containing only a fraction of what it once did. Crossing his arms over his middle he murmurs, “Good morning Erik. I trust you slept well?” “You know, you dress like a man who's got more money than sense,” Erik muttered, taking a sip of his water and turning to his eccentric captor. “I slept okay. Can't wait for some blood with breakfast. Getting tired already. I don't even know what to do with half of this stuff. It's going to take me days and days of full time work to sort it out. I'm used to having some help with military plans, you know?” “Well, despite the truth of that, I think though I have less sense than money I have enough money that I still have more sense than most people.” He murmurs in response to the clothes thing. He smiles softly. “Joseph will know what you need, and he should be in soon with your breakfast.” His voice becomes soft and he adds, “I do not know about military planning so much but you know I am good at planning in general. If there is anything you think I could help with. . .” Erik chuckled, “Good point,” he muttered, smirking a bit. “I know. And thanks for the offer. I'm still trying to organize all of this in my head though, see what's available. There's enough information for about a dozen missions in here. Can't expect me to figure all of that out at once. I guess I can move to that nice desk now, though. Now that you're up.” Sensing that Erik is in busy mode Alexi offers him a final smile and begins making his exit. He pauses in the doorway to his room. “I will have one of the headlamps the underground workers use brought up by tonight so you do not have to escape to the bathroom for light while I sleep.” With that said he slips into his room and puts on his slippers before shuffling out into the hall. Deciding to check on the youth down the hall first he lets out a sigh and tries to press back the unpleasantness of the night before, instead focusing on the tasks the day has laid out for him. [i]'I have too much to do to let this pain overwhelm me again. I can do it, if I just let it fall back. . .'[/i] He muses, unlocking Riley's door with a pass code, closing the door quickly before turning around to face the mess. You know, you sure are pretty damn nice for a guy who compared me to a chained mutt when I first got here,” he muttered, but Alexi had already left. Sighing, he began to gather his papers into small piles and bring them all over to the desk in Alexi's room. “I hate paperwork,” he muttered, but secretly he was smiling. It felt really great to be doing something besides just reading again. After only about five seconds Alexi is laid out on the floor with an excited Riley lapwing at his back, wondering if he's okay. Alexi takes a moment to regain his breath before rolling over, knocking Riley off who erupts in giggle growls. The mess is extensive and the human sits up more to get off of something sharp than any actual desire to. The M'Tinak crawls up to him, pushing on his chest and staring into his eyes as if trying to read his very soul. Alexi looks back with a smile and pats the little one on the head. After simply staring for a while Riley alms and sits back, a faint noise coming from his wigs as they vibrate gently. “Room is bigger than cell, but still cell. No plants, all alone. I don't want here. . .” Despite missing several words in his sentences, sounding almost like a toddler, his speech is very clear and concise, unlike a toddler's. Alexi smiles. “Yes, little one, it is a cell, bu-” Riley interrupts. “Not little one, Riley! You said Riley my name, not little one!” He blinks rapidly, his gaze curious despite not actually asking a question. Alexi's smile widens. “Yes, you name is Riley. I simply call most who look young to me little one because it is a fond way to refer to children.” Riley looks to the ceiling, muttering if his own tongue for a few seconds before saying, “Fond, like, attracted to, affection. . .” He looks to Alexi. “You feel affection? For me? Because I am little, am young?” Alexi nods. “I enjoy the company of children. I am glad they are not in a bad place and that I can help them not be so sad. . .” Riley once more takes to staring and Alexi settles in for the long haul. Joseph had gotten up, spoken with the gardening crew, and had come up with a wide assortment of plants to bring to Riley's room, along with several other slaves to help bring them in. He knocked and entered the room with the others not five minutes after Master Alexi had arrived. “I apologize for not having these sooner, Riley, Master Alexi. I was working on other tasks last night, and most of the gardening crews prefer early mornings and sunlight. It was too late to contact them,” Joseph explained, bowing low to the master of the house. “Do you want them in any particular places, Riley?” he asked. Most of the other slaves, knowing little of the M'Tinak or the situation, found the state of the room shocking. The interest Master Alexi and Joseph were taking in this creature, well beyond that of a “normal” slave, was even more so. The knock startles them both and in a flash Riley is on a wall, blending in so that he can not be seen. Alexi manages to get to his feet before any of the gardening staff enter and he stands with a light smile at the sight of the plants. Anticipating Riley's next move he manages to turn around and catch the beast as he launches himself at them with a squeal. The garden staff look shocked, one young girl almost dropping the fern she's carrying however at the sight of Master Alexi cradling the clawing Riley carefully she calms down. To answer Joseph's question Riley whines and stares at Alexi. He's not sure how but after a moment the master of the house seems to understand. With a smile he turns to the staff, “Just leave them here in this clear space, Riley will want to decorate his own room.” Looking to Joseph he looks a little confused and adds, “A climbing vine too, something that can cling to flat surfaces. . .I think. . .” He looks back to Riley, wondering why he can understand, and also amazed and excited at it. Joseph turned to the gardeners. “Vatanen, you're in charge of that, and any other requests from Master Alexi or from Riley on this matter, all right?” the vampire ordered. “Permission to be dismissed, Master?” he asked, bowing once again, making sure to stay as formal as possible in front of the other slaves. The minor liberties he took with the master in private were not at all appropriate here. “You are free to go.” He murmurs, watching the gardening staff shuffle out with slight bows after delivering their burdens. “Also, I would like to see Elaria in thirty minutes. My private study.” Riley claws the air trying to get to the plants but Alexi holds him until everyone is out and the door is closed. Once free the little guy runs over tot he ferns and small potted plants and races around them happily. Alexi watches with an amazed look as they all seem to grow a little bit, shivering like a soft breeze is passing through the room though the air is still. It takes a few minutes for Riley to calm down, but by then there is a knock at his door which sends Riley again to the wall. Alexi takes the proffered pot with the small cutting and thanks the gnome quietly. Turning around he almost jumps out of his skin when Riley is standing right there. Without a word Riley takes the pot gently and moves to a back corner of the room, out of sight behind a pile of broken bed pieces. Joseph nodded and left the room with the gardening staff, closing the door behind him. Taking an underground tunnel, he made his way to the garage, to check on Elaria, and of course, her new friend. “Elaria, may I speak with you for a moment?” he called into the small hole in the floor. The gold drake slithered up and transformed into her human form, grinning mischievously, if still in a rather groggy state. “Yes, Mr. Joseph?” she replied brightly, yawning contentedly. “Hello Elaria. Would you be available within half an hour? Master Alexi would like for you to meet him in his study. He would like to discuss a private matter with you,” the vampire announced with little preamble. Elaria's lazy satisfied grin slips into a serious line and she nods, vanishing back down her hole a moment later. She gives a few last minute orders to her new plaything about doing as he's told before slipping back out and rummaging around in the corner from something to wear out of the shed. The rest of the staff who sleep there toss stuff in a pile there every so often so it's there when she needs it. Since she hates the crisp clean look the rumpled up pile suits her nicely. ~*~*~*~*~ Staring at the spot Riley vanished Alexi waits silently, wondering what's about to happen. Then with a light gasp he watches as vines begin growing right up the wall, spreading across the ceiling a little bit before stopping. A few vines dangle down from the ceiling and as Riley bound back into sight they sprout little flowers. Alexi smiles wide at the little guy and over the next half an hour helps him set up his room. “Vine will grow more, cover ceiling, make all green and red and pink. Pretty. Safe.” Alexi nods, feeling like he can't wait to see the room when it's done. “Thank you, Elaria,” Joseph replied. He had exited the room while the drake had changed, but now he walked with her through the underground passage to meet Master Alexi. “Is your new friend adjusting well?” he asked. “He's young, obedient. I like him. He's definitely very enthusiastic, in a good way.” She smirks, adjusting her simple button up and cutoff jean shorts so the sit better on her slender frame. [i]You practically make him sound like a slave[/i], Joseph thought, but he knew better than to insult the customs of a species that he could never understand. “I'm glad you are enjoying his company.” In truth, he was slightly envious. He could count on one hand the number of sexual encounters he'd had in his life. Hard breaking tended to remove non-ordered sexual desires, and since he'd been the head slave, he had decided that such relationships would be inappropriate. Not that he'd ever admit it, but he was a little lonely, even if it was by choice. In the time she's been on the grounds Elaria has never had a partner, not for lack of drive, but because her kind can only have sex in their natural forms, and such a form would likely kill any but a drake during such activities. However, her first time as a thinking female was good and for a moment she wonders about the male at her side. [i]'I've never smelled sex on him, and I can smell that a mile away. I wonder. . . .He's attractive an all. . . Is he like Master Alexi? Just, no desire for it? That feels so odd since I know Vampires are quite passionate. . . .'[/i] She shrugs it off and keeps walking on in silence a few minutes. Once they enter the house proper she turns to Joseph, her eyes a little startled. “Why do I smell Mater Alexi's blood?!” She hisses quietly. “Riley sliced him up a little bit. Nothing to worry about really. Master Alexi was just ...” Joseph stopped himself. One did not criticize the master aloud, at least not to other slaves, even ones as trusted as Elaria. “Riley is a child M'Tinak. I don't think he understands his own strength yet.” Upon hearing that it was the M'Tinak who did it Elaria relaxes with a sigh. “No, no, those guys know their strength. . .Does Mater Alexi now have a cut on his face? Is the M'Tinak no longer upset?” “I figured, Elaria. But he was scared and angry. I think he is warming up to Master Alexi, though. He still does not like us very much, but he is not violent,” Joseph replied as they walked. “And yes, he scratched the master's face. Does that mean something?” Elaria nods, now smiling slightly. “Yeah, it does. Since they are only violent to outsiders, if he's calming down now that means Master Alexi did his research. The face scratch was basically a question. Like, 'Are you different from me?' or 'Do you separate yourself from me?'. If he's calming down, that means Master Alexi didn't respond and stayed calm. Think of it like a show of faith.” She glances at Joseph with a knowing smile. “I know we both hate him getting hurt, but in this case, it's a good thing Mr. Joseph.” ~*~*~*~*~ With everything now to Riley's liking Alexi bids the little one farewell, locking the door behind him as he heads out to go meet with Elaria. Making sure he can see the beast toying with his fern before he closes the door he smiles at the sight and gently pulls the door closed. [i]'He is so cute. . .'[/i] With such a pleasant happening Alexi does not even feel the pain for a while. However just outside his study on the top floor he recalls all he needs to do today and it begins throbbing at the back of his brain along with his brand new headache. “Fascinating,” Joseph replied. “I'm glad he's seen that the master is trustworthy. I'd rather avoid having to send him to the hospital for more severe lacerations.” They walked in silence the rest of the way, and Joseph bowed slightly to Elaria when they reached Master Alexi's office. “Good luck. You know how to reach me if necessary.” Elaria returns the bow before heading into the study. Alexi is at the giant window, looking down on the yard, his gaze a million miles away. The drake recognizes the look and quietly takes a seat, waiting for him to return from his trip. When as last he turns around he does not look surprised at all to see her. “On time, as always.” he murmurs with a smile. She returns his smile with a half smile and points at his cheek. “Little initiation there, huh Master Alexi?” He tone is casual, but respectful. Alexi nods, chuckling. “Yes. Riley may not actively like me yet, however I am no longer an enemy.” She nods, looking him over with a critical eye. He recognizes the look and waves it off with a hand. “Yes, I know, I have other problems, but that is not why I asked you here.” She takes him at his word and sits up a little straighter. Lacing his fingers together atop the desk he turns to business mode. “I need you to write a program for a lap top that will allow my guest to find the information he needs, without getting traced, detected, and does not allow said guest to put any information out there, anywhere. This also needs to be able to get them around sites that require log ins.” Elaria's eyes light up. “In other words, you need me to make a ghosting program?” She sounds excited and intrigued by the idea her fingers already itching at the idea. Alexi nods and she slips out of her seat. He watches as she closes the curtains then comes over and gives him a half hug. As he returns the hug he murmurs, “Still do not want the newbies knowing how soft you are for a human, huh?” She lets out a faint growl before taking a knee to look up at Alexi. “More like I don't wanna jeopardize your work by having some paparazzi catching sight of you being such a nice guy.” she murmurs, looking up at him with that curious expression once more. “How long?” The simple question packs a lot of different emotions, not the least of which is sorrow, however it is overshadowed with pride. It's his turn to half smile and he touches her head gently. Despite how much respect he has for her, and how much older she is, he will always see her as a younger sister. “Not too long. My guest is a lot more persuasive than I thought and with the new arrangement it should only take a handful of weeks at most.” His voice softens, “Will you miss me Elaria?” She nods, a gentle expression in her eyes before standing and looking down at him like an older sister berating her younger brother. “Though not as much as some you know. In all of this, it's the only part I disapprove of. You should. . .” He voice trials off as a flash of something she doesn't recognize crosses his features. Alexi fights back the pain but she sees it anyways. It passes quickly and he's able to brush it off for now. “I am sure you will guess what that is, and as you know it will not ruin the plan. I will simply suffer a bit before, and even you must agree that it is not unjust?” She glowers a little but nods, giving him another half hug before heading off to do as he asked. Alexi sits in the dim room for several minutes before with a long sigh he gets up, ready to deal with the next thing on his list. Joseph went about a rather uneventful morning. He served Erik his breakfast, a huge omelet with fresh salmon on the side, with his own jug of orange juice and a large glass of fresh blood. But the younger vampire was too distracted with his new work to do more than mutter “Thank you” and merely took the blood and orange juice to the desk with him, leaving the scrumptious dish. “Don't work too hard. You're still in here for a few more weeks. When you're ready to eat, please take a break. It's better for your stress,” Joseph suggested calmly. “Also, I'll have some normal clothes for you by tomorrow.” Erik finally turned to the elder vampire. “Thanks, I'll try to calm down. I really do appreciate all your help, Joseph. I'm just distracted at the moment,” he muttered, turning back to the detailed schematic he was trying to decipher. Joseph bowed and left the room, heading over to deliver the same breakfast to Master Alexi in his private dining room. He knocked twice and entered, carrying the usual silver tray, bowed, and silently began setting up the food in front of Master Alexi. It was only when he was finished that he began speaking. “Master, the auction report has been uploaded to your computer. I hope you'll find the deals I made acceptable.” Walking into his private dining room Alexi lets out a sigh at seeing that breakfast has as of yet to be served. [i]'It means a have a few moments. . .'[/i] he muses, taking his seat and letting his head sink down onto his arms as he crosses them and lays them on the table. His thoughts stray this way and that, and he smiles every once in a while when his favorite people come to mind. His muted joy over the fact that they will be free one day is enough to relax his hurried thoughts. [i]'Even though Mois may not be a slave, right now he is bound to me. For all intents and purposes, he is a slave in his own way. I do not ask him to be this way, but I will not turn down his absolute devotion while I have it. . .'[/i] ~*~*~*~*~ Said devoted brother is just now making his way pout of his room, wearing simple sweats and a hoodie like he enjoys on his days off. Dressed in all black he looks a little like a modern age grim reaper, though Alexi has more of death's complexion. Deciding the best way to wake up is a little exersize he heads out, jugging across the lawn instead of walking, glancing at the slaves already hard at work and making his way inside throught he garden entrance rather than the garage entrance. He takes a few minutes to cool down, stretching just inside and looking out at the garden staff hard at work. ~*~*~*~*~ When at last his meal arrives Alexi sits up with a smile and takes in a deep breath, letting the smell of the food wake up his senses a bit more. “Looks delicious.” he murmurs, looking over the fine meal. Looking over at Joseph he nods, looking less dreamy and more business. “I will look it over after breakfast, and I am sure you did fine. After I am done I will look over the rest of the sales made and make a few more files for my guest's collection.” His voice is soft and he chuckles softly. “Will Master Mois be joining you this morning?” Joseph asked innocously. Alexi lets out a sigh, picking up his fork. “Should be. It is his day off today. He may be a little late though.” Poking at his omelet he murmurs, “Can you thank the staff for me? That always get frightened when I try to do it myself. . .” Joseph nodded, quickly listening for footsteps and checking the room before he spoke. “Of course, Master. I'll tell them. You've done a good job of hiding your true nature from them. Even from me. Until you told me, I never had an inkling of what you were going to do. And it's so obvious now.” Alexi nods in thanks, then shoots Joseph a sharp look. It is not angry, in fact it's more calculating and approving than anything else. In a soft voice he says, “It is not hard to grow up acting like a money grubbing piece of filth growing up around father and his friends.” Reaching out he touches Joseph's arm with a smile. “Lying to you was no treat Joseph. I am sorry.” He looks up with one of his childish smiles, one that seems to know that he's already forgiven, if only because it was done for a good reason. “I never thought you were a money-grubbing piece of filth, Master Alexi. You've never been anything like your father. I feared that you were mildly selfish and apathetic, but not cruel. You have never been cruel to us,” he replied warmly. “I want to apologize for doubting you about your guest. I should have trusted you, Master. And I should have understood your plan long ago, or at least before it hit me yesterday evening.” He bowed low again. “I appreciate that Joseph, thank you. . .” he murmurs. With a light chuckle he adds, “And I am selfish. Always have been. I do not fault you for your doubts.” Touching Joseph's shoulder he turns to look as Mois enters. A look passes between he brothers bringing a smile to Mois' lips before he takes his seat opposite Alexi. “Good morning Joseph.” the newcomer says, still smiling lightly, stealing Alexi's spoon to carve out a bit of his omelet while he waits. For a moment it's almost as if they are pre-teens again as Alexi objects and pouts, waving a hand over his meal to keep Mois away. It has been many years since they have acted like this. In fact the last Mois can recall is before the incident with their father. [i]Damnit, I should have gotten Master Mois' plate instead of wasting Master Alexi's time[/i], Joseph thought. But despite his concern, he could not help but smile at the was the two brothers could still joke like they had as children. He scurried out of the room to retrieve the elder brother's tray and returned in only a few minutes, along with a mug of coffee and a jug of orange juice.