[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/LAshoov.png][/center] Inadi felt Jasper's hand run along his cheek and he felt a wave of relief come over him. Shooting his glance to the side he was able to watch the girl lean in to give him a hug, His hysteria bouncing through his head at an alarming rate still, yet he felt many of his nerves settle and fears become less controlling of his mind. The girl held him for a short amount of time and then went back to mingling with everyone else at the table. Still hanging his head slightly, Inadi slowly put his glasses back on his face and went back to looking over the table. It seemed that everyone agreed to travel with the hooded figures. Not one person abstaining from the idea of joining a group that had at one point or another tried to kill them all. Had used them to gather items that would take them back home and leave the rest of them to rot in the vast emptiness of Nowhere. It was amazing how one bit of information changed the tune of the entire group. And the two biggest examples of that were himself and Riley. He and the red head had laughed at the initial offer and were now suddenly a part of the band wagon. Thought to be fair Inadi took a majority of the blame on that one since he had made such a scene deciding to go with them. After seemingly hours of denying the treats at the table, Inadi caught a whiff of the cupcakes that were spread about the table and immediately scoffed. Much like the dinner back at the Queen's once they returned from Sol his appetite for sweets was minimal if nonexistent. The whole table and not one fruit bowl with apple slices or anything even close to that. Picking himself up off the chair he began walking back towards where Harper sat as he didn't even shoot a glance over at the treats he blew by on his slow pace. Finally stopping near Harper, the man put a hand on the other's shoulder, hoping to get his attention. “Well we have onl so many things left to find on the list there Harper. Any chance that it is going to tell us exactly what we will be looking for next or do we need to wait for that bloody list to tell us on its own time?” Inadi said, his eyes still a bit red from his previous cry he had only a few short moments ago. Inadi wanted to just forget the fact that he couldn't remember his parents. But if he did, how much more would be lost? At this rate he might become a bunny guard before even the New Year's Eve that the figures said. And the thought of that only made him that much more nervous and shaky. The had that still rested on Harper's shoulder was clamming up and a slight twitch was there towards the last few seconds as he eventually pulled away. Looking back over to Kain, which he left back at the chair he was in not too long ago, Inadi looked back at the crowned leader of the group. “And I know we aren't going to get it now but I'd like to start preparing for the trip.” Inadi finally explained, hoping that the list would already show what was next for the group to find. The sooner he had something to distract his mind and make him think, the better off he was in an emotional state. Mentally however, that would be another kind of thing all together to decide. Looking back over to Riley he gave her a slight shrug of his arms and then dropped his eyes. Again, he felt so bad about changing face in the meeting that he felt like some kind of coward. And he owed everyone in the group an apology for not being able to stand up to the hooded figures in the end. It just felt like perhaps he was all talk and no action. A real leader wouldn't have just backed down from the claims. But instead Inadi folded like a greased up lawn chair. Bringing his eyes away from Riley, the disappointment he had in himself still resonating strong, he brought his gaze back to Harper, wondering if the list was showing anything. And sure, the hooded figures had mentioned that the next item was someplace they knew, but all things considered Inadi would rather get the news straight from the horse's mouth. Plus, that lack of trust and tension were still swimming around his nerves .