Roman walked casually up the somewhat familliar alleyway towards the hidden-but-not-so-hidden club Leverage. Dressed in his casual white buttondown collard long sleeve shirt and black dress slacks and shoes, nothing on his person gave off any kind of threatening vibe aside the century old revolver strapped to his hip. He gave no mind to it being out in the open nor did he walk like it was even relevant. Giving a half assed smirk and raising a closed but relaxed fist up towards the bored yet observant Orc. "Hey Frank, hows the kid?" Roman casually said to the Orc. "Howyadoin... Meat, she just got her first tooth last week... been chewing up the furniture ever since." Frank grunted as he reached out with an opposing fist to meet his. Roman brought his hands back down to his pockets and pushed through the door using his shoulder. "Nice talking Frank, im assuming someone is waiting for me inside." He spoke over the loudening music as the door opened wider. The Orc tried to say something as Roman entered but the music quickly drowned him out. Roman enjoyed the loud trance inducing dubstep-esque music that this club played but was not one to dance himself. He wasnt here for fun nor pleasure. Making a B-line through the crowd towards the bar where a cute looking Elven chick had been servicing some customers with some weird glowing cocktails and wiping down the mess a couple drunkin idiots had previously made. "Excuse me." Roman shouted, attempting to get the womans attention. She was obviously too preoccupied and the loud music didnt help. Instead he gestured quickly in her direction and by sheer luck caught him in the corner of her eye. "Can i help you cutie?" The elf asked in a flirty yet obviously professional way. "Yea, i got this message from some guy-" "Back room sweetie, they are waiting for you." She cut him off in a slightly irritated manner. "Umm, yea thanks." He trailed off as she pointed towards the back where a corner of a door could somewhat be seen. Roman made his way through the waning crowd towards where the elf gestured to find a door barely noticable unless you were really looking for it. When he went through he felt like he went back in time. The atmosphere was much more pleasing to him and he seemed much more comfortable as he watched a handfull of older men playing with an actual deck of cards. The men looked slightly irritated since apparently their game kept getting interrupted by strangers. One of the men gestured to have a seat next to the rest of the group of misfits in the corner. "Well, guess im a little late arent i?" He said sarcastically while taking a seat next to the woman with the mass amount of glittery items on her face and hair. "If you didnt notice, the man with the mustache is buffing." He joked towards her, still keeping his attention on the card game rather than his extremely intimidating neighbors.