Fine then. If you are allowed to "No True Scotsman" an atheistic ideology, I get to disqualify every other religion, and not only that, I am allowed to disqualify how every other person but me practices my faith, and as I have not killed nor in fact used violence on everyone, religion=Gr8! [quote]Here's the thing. Atheism is not (or at least not always) an active denial of the existence of god(s); rather, it's a lack of belief that god(s) do exist. Atheism has no holy book, no doctrines, no dogmas or anything like that. There is literally no way in which atheism as a whole can cause or justify anything.[/quote] Also @Magnum. Then your defense of atheism is based on unadulterated semantics. If Atheists murdered people explicitly for believing God, what caused them to do it? Let me dodge these semantics by instead proposing that lack of religion makes you more violent. Now, there is no way around Communism's crimes. Let's do an approximate deaths per capita since the Enlightenment, when there began to be more than a few atheists, and you will find those without religion are responsible for more deaths in absolute terms, to say nothing of proportional.