[i][u]Red Winston[/u][/i] The gathering of a crowd this big annoyed Red. Deborah set out somewhere as soon as she heard a noise, it wasn't hard to deduce that her powers told her something that piqued her interest. Most of the group followed after the unofficial leader of the Mystery Hunters (even though some of the people were not part of the group and it wasn't an event for the Mystery Hunters to explore at all), leaving Red with Poppy. The guy who lit the surroundings moved along with the rest, taking away the light source from where they were to Deborah's location. Another person was there along with Deborah, maybe a relative of some sorts to her, from the characteristics he had. Nothing of interest to Red. In contrast to Deborah, Red was only interested in serious matters, not every little secret and situation around him. He took this chance to think what he should do. Going along with the rest was an option he did not deem possible, wanting to be away from crowds. The only reason to gather with crowds so far was for his own self-interests and since there wasn't something to accomplish, he didn't have any reason to tag along. He decided to try and find the central power equipment of the Academy and see if he could do anything about it. Of course, there would already be some kind of engineering team that would look after the operation, but Red could probably repair the damage faster. Electronical engineering was one of the many fields he knew and he could pinpoint the problem easier than many experts in the field. There was also Poppy to think about, however. Judging from her reactions, Poppy would be more than happy if Red left to bring the power back. She was probably really uncomfortable with the darkness. Worst case scenario, she would tag along with him, something that Red didn't mind. As far as Red knew, Poppy wasn't an oppresive person, thus, she wouldn't get in his way or be annoying. Plus, one person is not a crowd, especially since she already knew her. With that in mind, he said: "Poppy, I am going to check on the problem with the power, before things get hectic and people start panicking. It might take a while to be back, since I don't know where the power generators are located, so you might want to go along with Deborah. I would suggest you don't come along with me if you consider it an option, but I won't object if you want to." Having said that and taking advantage of the darkness, Red walked away from the lounge through the mass of students and headed out. He didn't say anything to Deborah, she was busy with her own business. The first place he decided to check out was the Administration building. If the generators weren't there, at least Red would find a clue as to where their location was. (These events occured while the group was concerned with Jago, so Red left before the others and is not in the room)