[quote=Williwiw] Interested!Please, tell me where in the map the rainforest is ( I wonder is the ir in the south of the desert of the eastern continent) and wether you are still accepting people and I'll submit my kingdom.I promise I will make out of the jungle a scary, dangerous place. [/quote] As long as it's at least a semi-realistic location, e.g. not right next to a vast desert or frozen wasteland, pretty much anywhere. [quote=Goldeagle1221] I dunno, it seems raw. What does a militant elf carry? anything special about their weapons or fighting tactics? how have they remained so isolated in the center of a continent for so long? Where do the majority live? What kind of crimes are rampant? Just basic stuff to make the reader feel more intimate with the creation. [/quote] [quote=Dinh AaronMk] You also just named a lot of stuff a lot of other people here tend to leave out or forget. Or over generalize. [/quote] Warrior's standard issue gear should be briefly described. Things soldiers provide themselves are not necessary. Fighting tactics are not necessary - if it's well known what their fighting style is, opposing generals can set up counters and checks. The isolationism should be explained. Are the surrounded by barbarians, plagued with bad weather, whatever stopped people getting in or out should be described. Generally, most people live in cities. I, personally, will make this assumption if there is nothing else suggesting otherwise. Crimes, as in what is illegal, should be defined. Major - I mean bloody [b]major[/b] - crime organisations should be noted. Generally, it's the small crimes that are most numerous. Yes, we are still accepting. I was going for a kind of half-tribal - South American, Amazonian, Scottish clan - half-rich imperial - England, Ottomans - kind of nation.