[hider=Tyrithe, Goddess] Name: Tyrithe, Also known as Themis and Sakura. [B]Animal[/b]: Eagle [B]Symbols[/b]: Scales, Sakura Petals [b]Goal[/b]: Tyrithe is a goddess that intends to protect her claimed land through just means. Essentially, her goal encompasses the bettering of human morality through the means at her disposal. She also seeks peace with the other gods and goddesses and hopes that they can talk and peacefully end disagreements and arguments as well as compromise with each other. [b]Domain[/b]: Judgement, Justice, Morality, Virtue, Discipline and Fairness [hider2=Appearence][img]http://de.touhouwiki.net/images/d/dd/De_Shikieiki.png[/img][/hider2] This form is her true form, divine clothing and all. She does also take on many other forms from Old Women to men to children in order to judge someone and deliver their sentence [b]Powers[/b]: [hider2=Powers] [i]Court of the Goddess[/i]: Tyrithe can bring her and those she deems necessary to her ethereal "[url=http://101.dtiblog.com/p/prprhentai3/file/yamazanado18s.png]Court of the Goddess[/url]". There, it has what is essentially a courtroom. Tyrithe is set on her 'Throne'. (Seen in the picture.) The defendant is set in a chair in front of the Judge, anyone else is set in a side seating area. [i]Binds of Judgement[/i]: Mystical chains break from the ground and ensnare a person where they stand, letting Tyrithe Judge said person where they stand without them either running or acting violent. [/hider2] [b]Artifacts[/b]: [i]The Twin Rods of Judgement[/i] - These artifacts allow their wielders a small fraction of Tyrithe’s power. These items are given to her two High-Judges to allow them to enforce her ideals. [i]The Weighted Sword[/i]- This is Tyrithe's personal weapon. Rather than being a powerful weapon, it makes the user weaker or stronger to turn a fight into a battle of skill rather than a battle of strength. It is really mostly for entertainment value to allow public shows more interesting as the fighters can be equal. This is, however, not something used in competitions. [b]Territory[/b]: As far as her territory goes, her control encompasses two City-States and their smaller villages and outposts. Nikeros and Sakurato, two ex-warring city states. Nikeros is a city-state similar to Ancient Greece and Sakurato similar to Feudal Japan. What makes her significant in the territory is that her original temple is located somewhere on a lonely mountain between the two states. Together, the two states are practically a nation now forced together by the power of Tyrithe forming the Land of Virtue. Nikeros citizens have named her, Themis, and Sakurato citizens named her Sakura, in part for the city and in part for the rapid blooming of the Sakura Trees when she first arrived in the city. Since her arrival in the two cities, they have taken more to mercantile over all. Well, they did take over to mercantile until beasts attacked one day. The soldiers, sadly not prepared for a threat of this magnitude in their own backyard, fought as best they could and fought the beasts off. . . Now being attacked by creatures constantly, warriors from both States have banded together in a ragtag military of some sort. They call themselves Warriors of the Just Flower. What they lack in raw numbers, they make up in experience and discipline as well as a high devotion to their land and their Goddess. Otherwise, the two sister states are impressively sized cities. They and their outlying villages boast approximately 80,000 humans. There are also a multitude of spirits that vow loyalty to Tyrithe as well. [b]Other Info[/b]: In addition to followers, Tyrithe also gains power from the amount of morally straight people around her. Her home nation is for the most part a straightforward and honest land. Therefore, she feels more powerful in her own land. In this way, she has a tendency to travel outside of her domain, into other god’s and goddess’ domains to pass judgement. . . And possibly stop by for tea if the resident deity is available. She happens to love tea and loves to converse with the gods as well. When two or more parties attempt to compromise, it is known that Tyrithe or one of her Judges are to be fair and impartial parties. Should one of the Judges do anything but be fair and impartial, it is said they receive the most extreme of punishments. . . [hider2=Divine Opinions:] Arella: If nothing else, Tyrithe thoroughly enjoys Arella's arts. She has a healthy respect for her works and her as an artist. Arguis: While Tyrithe is not the Goddess of Order, her ideal is still far from the chaos-strewn world that Arguis envisions. Chaos tends to cloud mortals' judgement and cause them to err in their ways. All in all, she is not fond of Arguis. She would tend to oppose him, but a balance between Order and Chaos is necessary for human life. Azreal: The God of Death is seen by Tyrithe as a necessary force in the world. However, sometimes it is overdone when such things as murder take place. Such things make her overall goal slightly tougher to seize however she will admit to it being mortals that cannot control themselves rather than the fault of the god. Well, this god anyhow. Esra: While unable to figure out what she is thinking sometimes, Tyrithe finds that Order is essential to her goals of a morally upright society. However, only to a certain extent. She finds that Esra's massive extent of Order is to the point of breaking one's freedoms. Still, it's nothing to take action for as it is merely opposing opinions between gods, as is most divine conflict. Gilder: Tyrithe feels rather mixed about Gilder. He has several things about him she likes, yet several things she dislikes. Kaba: There is a healthy amount of respect from Tyrithe for Kaba. Kaba seems to have a high moral standing, wanting to protect her own land, however selfish the reason may be. Not to mention her domains, protecting forests and letting food grew. Kun: Kun is a mysterious being to Tyrithe. She has a neutral opinion on the Goddess of the Sea. While there is a neutral opinion, she is most definitely wary of this Goddess. Malag: Malag is possibly the existence that Tyrithe appreciates the least out of every God. The murder and violence he desires is the very thing that Tyrithe is attempting to stop. While it is not vehemently, Tyrithe does oppose his ideas. P'kegatu: In a way, Justice and Vengeance have similar ideas behind them. They seek to "right" a "wrong" with the right and wrong being objective to each. P'kegatu's methods are too much for Tyrithe, especially considering how willy-nilly she will dispense Vengeance compared to the process of sensing right from wrong in the system of Justice. Tyzitla: The God of Shadows, Oaths, Plots, Knowledge, Assassination, Endings. One thing among those makes Tyrithe very on edge about Tyzitla. Assassinations is something not high on the morality list. She has little other qualms with him . . . Except for maybe the endings part. She doesn't know what he's thinking.[/hider2] [/hider] [hider=Atropos, Non-God] [b]Name[/b]: Atropos Shieldbearer [b]Age[/b]: 27 [b]Follows[/b]: Tyrithe [b]Species[/b]: Human (Bound with a Spirit) - Atropos is bound together with a forest spirit. It does little, but sometimes people see her speaking to herself. [b]Powers[/b]: Rod of Judgement - This item gives her small amount of power borrowed from Themis. She can Judge with the borrowed power, albeit not on as precise the level as Themis. Sentencing is required through more human means than divine for Atropos. [b]Physical Description[/b]: Atropos is a rather muscular woman. Enough so that she is easily able to carry the heavy shields the warriors of Nikeros typically carry. Her skin is tanned from the time she has spent out training with the other warriors that conflicts with her sun bleached blonde hair. Yet, her face has remained rather feminine with her piercing blue eyes. However, as one of the High-Judges, her muscle tone has decreased rather rapidly as her time training and fighting has been reduced significantly. [b]Home Location[/b]: Nikeros [b]Other Info[/b]: One of Tyrithe’s High-Judges. While she may or may not show up much, I find that her position is important enough to warrant a CS. [/hider] [hider=Yansha, Non-God] [b]Name[/b]: Yansha [b]Age[/b]: ??? [b]Follows[/b]: Tyrithe [b]Species[/b]: Kitsune - A humanoid fox-like species native to the Blossom Forests the are around the area of Sakurato. [b]Powers[/b]: Rod of Judgement - This item gives her small amount of power borrowed from Sakura. She can Judge with the borrowed power, albeit not on as precise the level as Sakura. Sentencing is required through more mortal means than divine for Yansha. Foxfire - An illusionary fire orb that makes those affected think they are on fire when they are hit with an orb. This is her own form of punishment for those who deserve it. [b]Physical Description[/b]: [hider2=Appearance] [img]http://shp.qpic.cn/txdiscuz_pic/0/bbs_comic_qq_com_forum_201301_01_191501mnez1tx6r6p1w9fd.jpg/0[/img] [/hider2] [b]Home Location[/b]: Sakurato [b]Other Info[/b]: One of Tyrithe’s High-Judges. While she may or may not show up much, I find that her position is important enough to warrant a CS. [/hider] _________________________ Alright, got this finished up finally. :) Oh and then you add more things. :P