Evelyn was headed back to the dining hall when Kaley ran up behind her. Evelyn turned before the girl reached her, giving her a questioning look before she opened her mouth. [b]”It’s not run by the government or anything. It’s in a house. There are no rules or restrictions. Just don’t hurt the books in any form. And if you take one from it, return it eventually so someone else can enjoy it. That’s it.”[/b] she said, giving a meager shrug, as if the question had been unnecessary in the first place. Angel had wandered up as well, and asked the same question, and giggled at Kaley’s blushing. Evelyn tilted her head. Ah, they were young, silly girls weren’t they? [b]”I am glad you all enjoy reading so much. I would recommend Molière or Flaubert, but there are many good choices. Enjoy,”[/b] she said, turning once more, a tad more optimistic about their new guests before walking into the dining room. When she did, she noticed the look on Viorica’s face, and paused, standing in the doorway. [b]”What is it?”[/b] she asked the others pointedly.