She turned her head slightly as she was carried, her whiskey brown eyes just barely opening as she came for a moment to a brief bit of consciousness, and she could only briefly know that someone, a person, a being of some sort, had taken her away from the pack of snarling wolves from earlier. Just as quick as she had come to, her dark long eyelashes swept downward as she went out of consciousness again. She was much too spent to even care as to where she was going, she only had that surge of relief knowing that she was not being ripped apart by wild beasts. When she came to, she had no idea how long it had been, and once more, she had no idea where she was. She didn't sit up right away, for she was still half out of it, so to say, still dizzy and confused. She noted the ceiling above her was not that of a house, castle, or anything that she had seen before. As her eyes came into a focus, she noted the ceiling had a rocky yet crystal appearance, lights reflecting and shimmering off of the jagged pieces of whatever the ceiling was. She let out a sigh of relief, grateful to still be alive. Her hand flew up to her head, touching at the back of her head tentatively. She knew she must have hit her head when she fell, and she knew somewhere on her legs there must be some sort of scrapes or something, since it felt like they burned or were raw in a few places. Her back was much to sore to sit up, so she simply turned her head to the side, to view her current surroundings.