[b]Rowen[/b] Rowen watched the amulet float toward her. She thought of the villagers below her home and her mother's promise to them. When her mother had died Rowen too had promised the villagers that she would do as she could to watch out for them. That very day she had warned them of a fire. The fire happened, but it was put out much quicker than it may have if she had not been there. Would someone watch out for her villager while she was gone? She had no family left except those lovely people in the small village that traded her food for her expertly tanned furs. She had known coming here would take her away from them for a while, but that had been a feeling not a vision. The difference minute enough that she didn't always trust her feelings as well as her visions. Rowen's fingers wrapped around the amulet. She would go for the memory of her mother's wishes and the villagers she had sworn to protect. "I will do as requested." Rowen gave them a bow as her mother had taught her, her mother who had once worked for the crown long before Rowen had been born, and therefore knew their rules of decorum. The others in the room took their amulets for various reasons, but the Lady had chosen well they would all take the amulet. Rowen's heart went out to the Water Mage Mia. The girl's loss was apparent in her face as she asked those before them for her boon. Rowen wondered what her boon would be. She had no use for titles, or things, she was content. Maybe her boon could be used for the villagers, she would ask some other time when she had a better idea of what do do with it. [b]Elzbeth[/b] Elzbeth didn't take the amulet at first. She was an outsider. From a different land far from here. Her family and loved ones long gone. Her place for the last ten years had been as a wanderer, this was responsibility. Something Elzbeth had been happy to avoid for a long time. Yet she looked at the worried and beseeching faces before her and knew that if they lost a war against this unseen force Elzbeth would not have a home anymore. Odd that she suddenly thought the land she had traveled aimlessly for the last ten years as home, but it was home. More than the one she had left had ever been. The boon was of great incentive too for Elzbeth. Maybe she could request a piece of land and a house. Maybe she could leave the traveling life behind her after this last adventure. There was something desirable about this that Elzbeth had never realized before. She could truly make a home in this country. "You have my flames to light the dark." Elzbeth said dipping her head to allow the amulet settle around her neck. It's weight felt heavier to Elzbeth than it actually was. Could she work with this misfit crew? Their differences would be hard to overcome, that she was sure of, but they had a common goal. That was unlike any group she had ever traveled with before. The groups before had joined together by chance alone and had nothing holding them together. This would be different, she hoped