Penguin looked out across the Casino. His Casino. He saw gang members and hit men and mob bosses all coming together. Now that Batman was dead that’s all Gotham's underworld seemed to do. Drink and gamble and party. This had seemed great at first but now Penguin found himself longing for…… “No!! Don’t say it!!” He kept telling himself. He knew deep down that all he wanted was some sort of competition. Something to keep everything from being so dull. He scoured his Casino looking for something, anything, to keep his mind off the recent dullness of things. And that was when he saw him. A small, Ginger boy with a camera loudly asking questions to burly hit men. Penguin recognized this boy. His name was Ralph Robins, an investigative reporter for the Gotham Gazette, he had moved to Gotham after the story about President Luthor that he had written for the Daily Planet had failed horribly. Penguin approached the boy, armed with one of his trick umbrellas and a fake smile. “Ah. The great reporter.” The penguin said mockingly. “I’m afraid there is no Scandal here in the Iceberg Casino.” “Oh, really?” Questioned Ralph. He knew something. “Really.” The Penguin confirmed. “But since the famous reporter is here, maybe I could give you a drink, on the house, of course.” It was a long shot, but maybe bribery would work against the young reporter. “NO!!” Yelled Ralph. The boy had started to draw a crowd. “Your money won’t work against me, Cobblepot! I know what you did to those tramps. You didn't think that anyone would notice, did you. You didn't think that they would find out that you were feeding them to Solomon Grundy!!” Penguin looked around. A small, gawking crowd had gathered. But Ralph was young and clearly over-excited. He could be taken care of. “Now listen hear boy..” Penguin pulled Ralph close and whispered in his ear. “You can’t just come in here and accuse me of feeding filthy hobos to a monster” “And why’s that?” Ralph inquired. The crowd had grown larger. Penguin realized what had to be done. “Security!” He yelled and seconds later two burly bodyguards pushed through the baffled crowd. “Ah, guards.” Said Penguin slyly. “Please show Mr Robins here to Mr Grundy.” “Of course .” Said one of the guards as Robins was beaten and carried through the casino to the back room. Penguin heard Ralph Pleading. Trying to offer Grundy riches that he had no use for. Then Penguin heard screaming and the crunching of teeth against bone. And then the screaming stopped.