Lucina opened her mouth to protest what her master was saying but then she shut it this was no time to argue, she was about to turn and leave when another jedi appeared seemingly out of the blue, something about him coming out of the blue almost made her run him through but she restrained herself she didn't trust this jedi around her master but she had a job to do. "Take Master Rorwoorr out of here." She told the troopers, and took off sprinting leaving both jedi and the troopers alone. The room with the data cores was a flame, the young padawan could feel the heat crawling across her skin, any closer and she would of probably gotten blisters, looking around the room for something she could use she sighed as her eyes settled on the pipes the held the coolant in it. They could probably draw the data from the powered down cores but spewing coolant everywhere might damage them, but there was no other way using the force she gripped the pipes and set them free the foul smelling liquid burned her nostrils but moving the pipe with the force was easy and soon all that was left of the fires was smoke and embers that seemed to dance around the padawan who just stood there surveying her handy work.