[quote=Magic Magnum]1. Oh yea, Atheism is facing division (Oddly enough, considering atheism simply means without religion. So it should be impossible to divide a non-existent) as a result of Atheism+.Apparently feminism has learned the secret's of dividing 0. :/2. Though once again, one can be Christian and still a communist. Which granted is suicidal if Stalin or Mao is in charge, could be completely different if a Christian were to made head. The difference between Stalin and Osama is that Stalin did it in the name of Communism/Personal power and authority, political motivation. Osama did it in the same of his religion and anger at America for getting involved in their business. A combination of political and religious motivation. Now, Stalin being an atheist and being responsible for so many deaths does beyond a doubt prove that atheists are capable of great violent crimes (which I was never arguing against btw). But it does not prove that him being an atheist was the reasoning or cause for it, especially considering many atheists were also killed by him.Though everyone being Catholic would not quite solve most problems with religion. Cause people will get personal interpretations of it all the time, which would eventually evolve into a religion of it's own against and then we'd be back where we started.Also I will admit that there are many atheists who claim moral superiority simply on the fact they are atheist, but I am not one of those atheist. I might agree that on average atheists may be more moral simply because their values come from themselves, and not out of a fear in God. But there is nothing that automatically makes one more immoral for being religious, you can be religious and still be one of the most kind, caring and wonderful people in the world. It's like saying "Atheists on average have a higher IQ. Therefore I, an atheists are automatically smarter than you a Christian". An average is strictly that, an average. Not an absolute guarantee/law that holds true 100% of the time.And to answer "Why do people do good things in the name of Religion but not in the name of atheism?". That's because atheism is the lack of a religion, there is nothing to praise, nothing to do anything in the name of. For example, let's take a church and a group of people who all happen to be atheist. But groups see a high amount of homeless people in the area, both groups want to help. The atheist group then goes ahead, makes a charity and works to help feed and shelter the poor. The Church, also being good peoples does the same. But the Church believes in good, part of their religion is spreading Gods word through good deeds, so while they are helping the poor they make sure to advertise their God and Religion. Something the atheists are not doing, because they have no God or Religion to be advertising. It's not a matter of there are no atheist charities because atheists don't volunteer. It's a matter of atheists have no need to spread the word of "I lack a religion" around, so they simply go out and help without bringing religion into it. [/quote] 1. I like to think of Atheism as a type of belief system. For example, Polytheism, Monotheism, Atheism. It has its own groups that can be divided as Christianity and Islam. I wouldn't say that Atheism itself is a lack of beliefs per say. That would make one an agnostic, not an Atheist. An Atheist has to actively believe in no God. The common counter-argument is that Stamp Collecting isn't a hobby. However, what you do instead of collecting stamps is. If all you do in your free time is lay on the couch, then you still have a hobby that amounts to doing as little as possible. Atheism refers to an umbrella of things that can be called religions that lack a central deity. 2. I'm misusing the term Communist somewhat, I should be using the term "Marxist". Whatever anyone else tells you, it would likely not be heretical to support an economic system where all wealth is controlled by the state, though it might not be intuitive, either. However, being being a Christian [i]Marxist[/i] is impossible, for similar reasons that one cannot be a Christian Objectivist. It's an axiom of Marxism that God does not exist,