[quote]Once against Communism =/= Atheism. So approximate death per capita between Atheism and Religion is rather one sided.[/quote] Hence why I said "Those who lack religion". And those who lack religion, of which Hitler was, have been the prime causes. [quote]Though once again, one can be Christian and still a communist. Which granted is suicidal if Stalin or Mao is in charge, could be completely different if a Christian were to made head. The difference between Stalin and Osama is that Stalin did it in the name of Communism/Personal power and authority, political motivation. Osama did it in the same of his religion and anger at America for getting involved in their business. A combination of political and religious motivation. Now, Stalin being an atheist and being responsible for so many deaths does beyond a doubt prove that atheists are capable of great violent crimes (which I was never arguing against btw). But it does not prove that him being an atheist was the reasoning or cause for it, especially considering many atheists were also killed by him.[/quote] So your entire defense of atheism is again based on absurd semantics. Because it is "impossible" to kill in the name of Atheism, Atheism you claim is superior. Hence, my need to steer the debate somewhere sensible. A society that becomes atheistic or at least governed by Atheists is no less violent, and as proven by Cambodia, China, the USSR, Cuba, North Korea, and Nazi Germany (Hitler was Deist at best, and so would kill no one "for religion") You would not save a single life if you waved a wand and abolished religion. Leave us alone.