[b][centre]Kukcoo & Gogo Dido[/centre][/b] "Gods, I am so bored!" A loud, shrill, and annoying voice entered the warehouse where the future crew of the Exeralune had been meandering. The voice belonged to Gogo Dido, a Korrvain Nymph with a choleric temperament and a stature that Napoleon would chuckle at. She walked briskly, uncomfortably, she fidgeted in her newly fitted "security personnel" uniform as she looked for a crate to settle down against. "We just got here, Go, please don't have another heart attack." A smokey, sultry voice followed, twice as calm as Gogo's and half as loud. It belonged to Kukcoo Dido, she coolly traced the steps of her cousin, taking off her small red hood in order to avoid possibly offending her future crew mates, she gingerly placed it inside her messenger bag and surveyed the room. [i]Not many fliers,[/i] she noted-- that would make escape in the even of a disaster quite easy, the warehouse was large, but only had a few ground level exits, her best bet would be to hope her gravity boots could break the skylight-- "SO YOU NEVER TOLD ME WHY YOU HAD TO WEAR A UNIFORM!" Her cousin's shout brought Kuckcoo out of her reverie. Right, Gogo was here, the events of the past few days had the perfect combination of life altering and mundane, and looking back, it had all transpired at such a breakneck speed, that she didn't really remember all of it. Why DID she not need to wear a uniform? Mid-thought, her mouth moved before her mind could catch up, "Because, high level personnel receive more leeway when it comes to things like that, also, uniforms are mostly ceremonial, Field Tacticians don't usually get invited to those things-- Oh! And there always that you don't want an IGCP spy actually seen in uniform, that pretty much say "allegiance with enemy, do not trust" when I'm in enemy territory..." "Ok, geeze, I asked for a reason not a fucking thesis." Crude as always, Gogo. At least she had seemed to find a crate to jump up onto and complain about the wait. She just woke up this morning, found out Kukcoo was assigned to this mission, and applied because she 'wanted quality time with her blood,' outside of some checkpoints and a fitting for the security uniform, she didn't really have a right to complain. Kukcoo had bee in and out of briefings on the galactic importance of this mission and why someone with a 0-death track record like hers was selected. The checkpoints to get this warehouse were a breeze. Comparatively. No longer having to worry bout Gogo, Kukcoo took the opportunity to really observe the culturally diverse room that contained her soon crew, her stature limited her field of vision, but she could at least HEAR things! And what she could see seemed promising, besides Gogo and herself this room seemed to be full of the absolute best! Maybe she had been too anxious about all this? They seemed experienced, and some of them even struck her as attractive! And if it did suck she could just listen to music in her chambers all day! Figuring she introduce herself to someone, partly to get to know her crew and partly to pass the time. The closest person to her was a humanoid leaning against a wall on the warehouse, his hair was styled into a pony tail and he had a large scar across his face. "Hi." She said, in a loud voice, bridging the disparity between their heights, "Field Commander and Tactician Kuckoo Dido-- enjoying that view of the ship?"