[b]Name:[/b] Scott McKenna [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider= Scott McKenna] [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5c/Chicago_fire_fighters_walking.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Position in Firehouse:[/b] Lt, Rescue Squad. [b]Skills:[/b] is proficent with all the Squads rescue equipment and is a certified Diver. [b]Personality Traits:[/b] The Good: self-confident/loyal/hard-working/easygoing/brave. The Bad: compulsive/conservative/impatient/stubborn. [b]Short Bio: [/b] Scott is your average big burly good natured kinda guy who gets along with most everybody and will give you the shirt off his back if ya need it. But Scott is not a pushover,you may get away with screwing him over once, but try and screw him over twice and he can get mean as a Kodiak bear come dinner time. At frist glance his quiet and reserve,but get to know him and he's your best friend for life.Would rather read a book or spend time outdoors with his dog Dash, rather then set around watching TV, Mark Twain and Jack London are his favorite Authors. His favorite pasttime of all his Bass Fishing and he owns some land western Illinois thats bordered by a lake and when not working or hanging around with the other guys from the Firehouse, he's up at the lake working on the cabin,which usually means he's fishing. Scott is fully committed to his job and what some may see him as reckless and a danger to himself,but to his way of thinking, his just getting the job done, plus in his years of service he's seen too many bodies burnt up that could of been saved, were it not for strict adhereance to protocal. [b]Other:[/b] Received his baptism by Fire while a candidate with Engine 98 where he was badly burned while tryng to rescue an elderly Lady from a house fire. Becuase of the scars he never wears shorts and only when its extremely hot, will he ever wear short sleeve shirts. After his promotion to Lt., he was transferred to Battalion 25, Squad 3.