The agreement of Asami and Bolin both meant the world to him, and Mako was certain that if Korra was here she’d be behind him as well. Whether they would be recognized for it or not, the three of them helped Korra save the city and could help do so again. Asami’s suggestion was wise and considerate; Future Industries needed a positive image and product to help make a strong return to the people, Asami and her proposal could not only help her save her company, but also Republic City. There were some issues that would be in the way of that, yet the fire bender was confident in his ex-girlfriends abilities and he believed she’d find a way. With a phone being heard in the distance and Asami being called to answer, Mako had joined Bolin in observing the house they’d been in all this time. Having expected the conversation to be about Korra, Mako was surprised that Bolin had not turned to that subject again. In time Asami had returned to them and not being surprised that business was the center of her conversation, the trio had moved to the kitchen after Asami had inquired what Bolin had been up to. An explanation of life with Korra and Tenzin’s family was given with all signs pointing to good times until that sickness had fell in. With dinner becoming the next topic, Bolin had suggested that he grill chicken to go with fried rice, leading Mako to actually consider it. He knew showing off wouldn’t get him anything at this point, but it would take his mind off of other real problems and have some fun with a simple task. Asami met his face, and Mako’s had met hers. Recalling last night’s dinner event and retrieving the necessary ingredients, Mako moved to join her, remembering the smile on her face after that first bite. [b]“Yeah, it sounds nice, let’s do it.”[/b] Mako looked over his shoulder to Bolin. [b]“You should’ve seen her face too, it was almost like she never had a steak so good in her life. I thought she was blushing once the taste first hit her.” [/b] Flavor hitting idle taste buds was an incredible experience and Bolin of all people would know what it was like. His humble bragging only served to keep the mood light and relaxed during a time of fear and overwhelming concern. Tonight Asami won’t need to worry about the future of her company and Bolin could also think about something other than Korra. This wouldn’t last forever, so he’d need to make it all count. The ingredients gathered, Mako moved to retrieve a skillet from a nearby cabinet. Getting the stove heated, Mako had decided that perhaps this was Bolin’s time to shine. Having cooked for most of his life to keep his brother fed, it couldn’t hurt to see Bolin try his hand in the kitchen with a little help from Asami.[b] “Let’s see what you’ve got then, Bolin.”[/b] Mako gestured to his own position beside Asami. As much as he’d like to remain close by her like that, Bolin’s role as the passive little brother was diminishing. They were both working their way into law enforcement. In spite of him being the youngest of the group, there was no denying that eagerness to grow up, and it was something Mako wasn’t going to deny him. [b]“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you don’t burn anything.”[/b] ~-~ Lin was right to be concerned for him. Tenzin was growing concerned for his own mental health recently, but his health would always be the last thing on his mind when it came to the safety and security of his family. The air bender did not deny that his emotions were at a critical point. Lin’s fear of him jeopardizing the case, however, caused his jaw to tighten. All of what she said was true and taking him on was a large risk, not only for her to be able to do her job, but for him to come out of this trial with his mind together. Peace and pacifism were but two traits of the air nomads, yet even his father, for all his happiness, was capable of being incredibly frightening once pushed. It was his turn to be the ill-tempered one and Lin more than knew that he was stubborn. With his heart set on something, failure was never the option. What would come next shocked Tenzin: Lin was willing to keep this off the records, and was putting her career at risk for his own personal satisfaction. His footing shifted slightly, his entire body turning to face her. This was a gesture from Lin Tenzin had not fully expected. Her job meant everything to her, and if the wrong people heard this conversation she could likely lose it. Tenzin’s head nodded, eyes widened with surprise. Reluctance would be the first thing on his mind too, were the positions reversed. If he were the Chief, and she the emotionally distraught wife with a sick family, would he also take this risk for the sake of friendship? [b]“I fully understand the risks you’re taking, and I—“[/b]Tenzin’s sentence was abruptly interrupted by a loud sneeze, not that of a humans but moreso a beast. Looking past Lin, Tenzin’s eyes narrowed, already suspecting who it was. At the very edge of the home rested an eavesdropper. [b]“…Korra, is that you? Come on out!”[/b] There she was, the Avatar, reluctantly stepping out of her hiding place and scowling over her shoulder as Naga followed, fish in her mouth. Now she was caught in the headlights like a small creature, one of those headlights had to be the most frightening women she had ever come across, and the other from her mentor and friend. Crossing her arms, Korra stuck out her tongue at Naga, causing Naga herself to lower her head in a disappointed gesture. [b]“I thought I heard something beforehand …how much did you hear?”[/b] Tenzin asked, face stern with disappointment. [b]“Not much, not much …something about …you getting involved in something ‘off the books’....okay,everything.”[/b] Korra had to put it bluntly, Tenzin's gaze was far too fierce to try lying. [b]“Something you shouldn’t have been around to listen to.”[/b] [b]“Yeah, sorry, but I didn’t mean to.”[/b] Korra rubbed the back of her neck and hung her head, clearly apologetic. [b]“I was just coming up and I heard talking so I got curious, I’m sorry—“[/b] [b]“I don’t want to hear it Korra, I expected something so childish out of Ikki or Meelo. As the Avatar, I thought you would have respected ones privacy.”[/b] Tenzin’s tone was that of a father and a teacher expressing disappointment in someone they put great hope in, and no one growing up liked a tone like this. He was exhausted and wanted to put his concerns for his family to rest, the last thing he needed was to scold the Avatar like she was a little girl. And speaking of the Avatar, she had arrived alone with Naga and it was getting late. Tenzin’s eyebrow raised inquisitively. [b]“Where’s Bolin?”[/b] [b]“With Mako and Asami. I was going to go with them, but I thought you might know …need me around.”[/b] Korra shrugged her shoulders and smiled weakly. [b]“That won’t be necessary. Lin here has helped me enough for tonight and I think I’ll be helping my family get to bed. Feel free to go back to Asami’s and perhaps see if you could stay the night.”[/b] [b]“Wait, stay the night? I know I shouldn’t have listened in, but you don’t need to send me off like this. I can help you.”[/b] [b]“It’s not me sending you away, I simply don’t need help tonight. This is an opportunity for you to get out of the house for a while, so go, enjoy yourself.”[/b] Korra’s gaze sunk, not certain if Tenzin was really wanting her to ‘have fun’ while his family was in such bad shape, or if it was just a cover to get her away from here. Turning around, Korra patted Naga on the head and gave one last glance at Lin: They both knew what she was doing was risky, but if Korra had the right to say anything to Lin at that very moment, it’d be that she hoped she knew what she was doing. Korra wormed her way around ‘official’ business too against Amon, but Lin had a much greater role in law enforcement and had to consider what it would mean if someone were to find this out. So, guiding Naga away from the area after she had finished her trout, Korra had left the area and this time Tenzin had not taken further risk. Rohan still tucked in his arms and not distraught by his tone in dreamland, his gaze fell to Lin and he nodded his head. [b]“I’ll deal with her later, I should get back to my family now. We can speak on this matter tomorrow after I’ve gotten some rest. Be safe, Lin.”[/b] Tenzin bowed his head to her. Were this any other time, in any other circumstance, a handshake or a more verbal means of saying goodnight would have been given. Tenzin returned inside, much on his mind, and would finish his meal in peace and make certain everyone had gotten prepared for bed. It was going to be one of the hardest nights of his life, and it wouldn’t stop for him there. ~-~ Korra’s fist was balled over Asami Sato’s door. With the ride back over here in silence and guilt, she should have been looking forward to being able to come back and spend time with everyone, but Tenzin’s attitude and disappointment was just so fresh in his mind. Taking a deep breath and putting on a smile, she’d hide her fears and try to salvage tonight as best she could. Asami may not appreciate the last minute request for her to stay the night, but it was clear Tenzin wanted a night away from her. She knocked on the door three times, making sure Naga was taken care of and allowed to roam in the ‘back yard’ of this estate.