<3URSHUMS!!!!<3 -hops around all dancie likes!^^- I insist toooo~~! K, so serious now. Sooooo... I do say 'boing' alot IRL. And so I tell my friends that I do it online to on this RP site. They're like: 'Durps... what's RP?' I tell them we write stories together. And so I show them this RP cuz its the only one where I posted IC, right? And they're like: 'Oh, that's cool... but you're not really writing stories together, your just pretending to play an angel...' Sooo... they're kinda' right... I really am just writing for a charrie, not the main part of writing the story, but what they say cheapens what I think I do here. Like, yes, I do furk around and get all hyper and sillies, but I take the IC stuffs rather serious. Are we really just playing pretend? Or writing stories together? O,o? Kinda' both? Dunno... I wanna describe RP to them in a better light than them just being all: "hurhur... you still play pretend! Hur!" Anywho... just thougth I'd put that out there is all. ~BOING!!!~ Let's dance^^