Without order, chaos wouldn’t exist, as it would have nothing of order to make chaotic. Alternatively, order wouldn’t exist as there is nothing chaotic to to show it has order. As truthful as these words proved to be, it did not stop Arguis from showing his distaste for it. He stood upon a hill over looking the city of Le'DeRaug. Although the it was he was in hostile territory, Arguis showed no fear for his own life, he could not be destroyed, weather the other gods liked it or not. With out chaos, order could not exist and without order, reality was nothing. Chaos and Order was what held this world together, it is the law of the universe, it is what man is made of, no man can go without causing chaos, and chaos was brewing. War It would soon arrive, and once again he would be on the battle field, drawing from the chaos is created and then fueling it with more chaos himself. Arguis was in every major battle that altered history, although he was not written down in the history books, he was still there, changing the tides of the battle with just his presence. War, massacres, battlefields, disasters and even the mind of a man who creates chaos are all places in with Arguis feeds and fuels. Arguis left his place on the hills of Le'DeRaug and continued to roam the land in search of opportunities to take and create chaos.