First thing's first. I DO want someone who has decent grammar, spelling and is good with description. Typos are okay as long as they are kept to a minimum, as you can see I spelled "truly" wrong in my username >.<. I can normally spit out one or two paragraphs per post depending on what I'm given to work with so I expect about the same in return, but I understand if its only a few sentences occasionally and maybe a one liner once every blue moon because it happens. ANYWHOOZIES, on to the good stuff, yeah? These are fandoms I REALLY want to do but I'm open to suggestions! ^_^ Bioshock Lost Last of Us Walking Dead Vampire Diaries (Yes....I'm a guy who watches vampire diaries....problem?) Justice League Full Metal Alchemist SPICE AND WOLF (The only anime shows I have and probably ever will the way I love Spice and Wolf it's amazing, it's a really unique show.) SPONGEBOB! (Relax I'm joking :P)