Shor'Gen seemed to be oddly captured by M'rayl's nervousness. For the life of him, he couldn't understand why a security officer like her could be so shaky at a time like this. She was projecting an interesting scent, as well. A hint of adrenaline amidst the mostly flat scent of a light sweat. Her mouth was expelling carbon dioxide at an accelerated rate, and it was at that moment that Shor'Gen added "Mysteriously Sweaty M'rayl" to his always growing scent memory. He was about to approach her even more when Daniel's voice cut in (to M'rayl's great relief, no doubt), his attention seemed to be taken away from her for the moment, but he quickly turned his head to face her once again, to give her some parting words, in case she decided to pursue conversations elsewhere. "As soon as the medical facilities are ready, I will call for you to report for a physical." Shor'Gen stated, before returning to address Daniel. "A pleasure to meet you, Engineering Officer Daniel. You may pronounce me Lead Physician Shor'Gen. I am quite excited to serve aboard the Exalerune, it is my first extended starship depl-" Shor'Gen suddenly stopped, going slightly rigid. The tendrils on his head stood still for a moment, and he turned hi head towards The Exy, only to relax and turn to face Daniel again. He could've sworn he heard some crates being toppled. "You must forgive me for my sudden outburst. My kind do not possess eyes, we see with sound, so as you might imagine, this loud starship hangar has me slightly disoriented. It will be good to finally enter the ship. Perhaps i shall spend a couple of hours in silence..."