[center][img=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140401151620/yugioh/images/a/ab/Arc-VLogoEnglishC.png][/center] [center][b]Summon Masters[/b][/center] I was told that when I returned, I was to reboot this RP. I’m worried that if I don’t, my head may be forfeited to the gallows, so I guess I’m going back at this. Therefore, I present to you the Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Summon Masters Roleplay, in one of the most epic returns from the dead since Jesus! (I'm kidding of course; this really isn't THAT amazing, though it's still pretty awesomes) Anyone playing will be playing as either a professor or a student at [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Miami_City]Maiami City's[/url] signature Duel Academy, [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Leo_Duel_School]Leo Duel School[/url], a year and a half after the first [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Pendulum_Summon]Pendulum Summon[/url] was performed by [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Yuya_Sakaki]Yuya Sakaki[/url]. Thanks to many hours of research and experimentation on behalf of [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Leo_Corporation]Leo Corporation's[/url] CEO, [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Reiji_Akaba]Reiji Akaba[/url], [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Pendulum_Monster]Pendulum Monsters[/url] have become madly popular in all parts of the world reached by the monopolistic Leo Corporation. Due to the availability of Pendulum Monsters, Leo Duel Schools everywhere have since incorporated the new form of Summoning as its sixth Summoning Class. These classes include [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Tribute_Summon]"Tribute Summon"[/url], [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Special_Summon]"Special Summon"[/url] (This incorporates the non-Extra Deck/non-Pendulum/non-Ritual forms of Special Summon, such as that which is employed by the Cook-Mates), [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ritual_Summon]"Ritual Summon"[/url], [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Fusion_Summon]"Fusion Summon"[/url], [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Synchro_Summon]"Synchro Summon"[/url], [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Xyz_Summon]"Xyz Summon"[/url], and "Pendulum Summon". This will expand to more than just the realm of every-day classes and such. However, expanding on the idea of where the plot will go leaves spoilers in the air. This RP will use the Anime-Based 4000 LP system, as it is based in an Anime setting, unless I am convinced otherwise. [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Action_Duel]Action Duels[/url] will also be available, as is seen in the ARC-V anime. Duels will not include a [url=http://random.org]Random Number Generator[/url] or Duel Simulator of any kind with the exception of using [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Action_Cards]Action Cards[/url] during Action Duels, in which case the card picked up should be randomized to avoid a player intentionally selecting which Action Card is obtained, as there are Action Traps on specific Action Fields that no one would grab if the randomization were not forced. The other exception to not using a generator is if a specific character becomes too repetitive in his/her tactics, in which case I will ask that player to employ the RNG. If the problem persists, I will, unfortunately, have no choice but to ban such a player from the RP. Please don’t make me do that, so please be fair. However, if you feel more comfortable with using an RNG, I will not force you to do otherwise. Now for the description of how Action Cards work. If you’re searching for one at a leisurely pace, chances are you’ll find one. If you’re in a bit of a pinch, use an RNG to decide whether you find one or not. Then there’s the fact of whether or not you actually get your hands on it if you’re in a serious pickle. Just use your best judgment to decide how likely it is that you’d find/grab an Action Card, and if necessary, use the RNG to decide whether you grab it. The OOC will also have a list of Action Fields and their corresponding Action Cards. The Action Cards will be associated with a number. When you grab a card, again you should use the RNG, plugging in the number range and rolling for the card grabbed. The number that the RNG gives you is the assigned number for the card you got. Absolutely NO REROLLS. Don’t like it? You probably shouldn’t have grabbed for the Action Card to begin with. Sorry for being blunt. Just a little farther before I’m done rambling. I’ve got a few base rules for Deck construction I need to state before the CS templates are to be seen. - This RP will follow the most recent advanced format [url=http://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/]Limited & Banned listings[/url], though with the exceptions found below. - Players will be allowed to employ ONE copy of only ONE Forbidden card. No more. - I would prefer to stay away from the Egyptian Gods, Legendary Dragons, Signer Dragons, and Numbers if at all possible, as well as any cards that were similarly unique in the Anime unless it would have been possible to duplicate them (as the case would have been with the “Destiny HERO” archetype) or you can give me some elaborate reason as to why you would own one. - Anime/Manga-exclusive cards will be available alongside TCG and OCG cards. However, I will ban-list certain cards based on what seems to be a trend with Konami. For example: Draw engines, Grave returns, and control seizures, for example, tend to be hated on by Konami quite frequently. - Keep the kind of cards you use appropriate for your elected course. Synchro users don’t use Xyz; if you’re a Pendulum user, don’t make your key card a Ritual monster; etc. And finally, so people can post their stuff before we head OOC, allow me to present . . . THE CHARACTER SHEET TEMPLATE: - Name - Age - Grade (6-9; Students Only) - Course Attended (Students Only) - Course Taught (Professors Only) - Appearance (if you don't use a picture, please use a decent amount of description) - Personality - Deck List (At least 40 cards in the Main Deck; no more than 15 in the Extra Deck) - Other Details (Optional) These are rather loose. If there are fields you feel should be added for your character, feel free to do so. And I think that’s it. If there is ANYTHING you have a question about after that, feel free to bring it up, though I really hope I was descriptive enough for you all. If you’re a veteran of the old RP and you were accepted last time, chances are I’ll be more than willing to accept your previous Character Sheet(s).