[quote=So Boerd] As there is nothing innate in the simple belief in God that says kill the unbelievers. I take it this means you agred with me and repudiate Magic's blanket condemnation of religion? [/quote] Aaand I'm done here. If you aren't even willing to reply to my actual response and instead choose to cherry-pick your way to victory, then I'm not going to bother anymore. Good bye, and have a nice day. [quote=Magic Magnum] [See, So Boerd? This is how you show that you cut out something that didn't matter.] Dude, you ignored practically everything she said there.You're not going to win many debates by ignoring the majority of a person's point, only to pull out a single sentence and try to twist it to turn people against one another. [/quote] Actually, I'm a he, but thanks for the support anyway :P