[b] Inoue Matsuhita [/b] The younger girl gave a half smile as she reluctantly put forth her proposition. She had her doubts about her ability and her contribution in the club as well as an activity that kept her busy post school. Though Inoue understood her she still thought she needed to clear a thing for this girl. Maybe it can strike a chord and even though she may chose to decline joining their club but Inoue felt compelled to put things in the clear. She held the girl from the shoulders, a firm but gentle grasp and looked into her eyes. "I apologise if this may sound patronising but, never judge your worth by judging others. Whether you join our club or not, I'm not that interested in what you contribute to the club because that is not our point in forming this club. We are not snobs, throwing our weight around asking others to be our bitches just because we maybe able to do something slightly better than them because we were trained earlier. It is what we can contribute to you, will a greater control over your body give you greater self-confidence? Will the knowledge that you can put any of those gutless stalkers and trash talkers give you self-belief? If the answers to these questions is a simple yes or a probable yes, then we have achieved what we set out for, if it is a no then maybe we can keep you interested in this long enough to get an even better coach. It is that simple." She paused for a bit after the long monologue, feeling she may have overdone it but at least she got out what she wanted the junior to know. "Know this Kotori-chan, you maybe hiding a talent you are unaware of, just because you aren't able to tap it at his moment doesn't mean that you can't in your lifetime. Just give it a try if your schedule permits, rather drop this. Do anything that fills you up with a feeling of accomplishment, I really hope that it'll be a good step forward in some direction. Okay" Inoue finished with a warm smile, her eyes twinkling a bit from a bit of moisture that appeared on the edges. This was serious heart-to-heart talk she felt pushed towards. Hopefully, Kotori doesn't mind her overbearing nature. -- [b] Alexei Dragunov [/b] Akari's last comment just rubbed Alexei the wrong way, though it was harmless but still his expression hardened. Ektrina's face appeared in front of him, lit in a faux smile trying to do something she never felt game for yet wanting to please her elder brother for all his hardwork for their family. A wave of anger hit him and he clenched his teeth, a knock in the ribs broke him out of his vision as Sagat was the one to notice the sudden darkening of the atmosphere around him. Immediately bringing things under control, he replied to the beautiful girl in a chilling deep voice, "That would be shame, doing nothing but impressing your siblings even if it is something that goes against you. I wouldn't like a sibling like that, I would love them to be themselves and find happiness, it would give me peace knowing that all my sacrifices as an older one weren't in vain. But that's just me, I guess people are rather different." With it his hand came on Noboru's shoulder and gripped him firmly "It would have been better had you challenged the vice captain or something to make it into the boxing club. I personally would have thrashed the clubhead silly or started my own club. It's never too late though and then there is a lot of space in our club, maybe you can practice on the bags in your spare time. No one would bother you unless you come seeking for input." he said truthfully, putting the idea and concept behind their club in brutally honest detail.