[quote=ASTA]Boerd doesn't 'win' any debates. His tried-and-true tactic of bringing up irelevant points and his persistent use of backwards logic only helps to reinforce his established title as an excellent arguer. A debater he is not.[/quote] I know. :P I didn't mean to suggest even that he had won debates before. Just that he wasn't going to be starting anytime soon if he keeps up his current tactics. [quote=Protagonist] 1. I like to think of Atheism as a type of belief system. For example, Polytheism, Monotheism, Atheism. It has its own groups that can be divided as Christianity and Islam. I wouldn't say that Atheism itself is a lack of beliefs per say. That would make one an agnostic, not an Atheist. An Atheist has to actively believe in no God. The common counter-argument is that Stamp Collecting isn't a hobby. However, what you do instead of collecting stamps is. If all you do in your free time is lay on the couch, then you still have a hobby that amounts to doing as little as possible. Atheism refers to an umbrella of things that can be called religions that lack a central deity.[/quote] 1. This is a point that many (if not the majority) of atheists and christians alike tend to get confused. Agnostic and Atheist are not separate lack of belief systems. They are separate scales on the same table. [hider=Example] There is a similliar 'table' in a game called D&D, the alignment system. Feel free to skip this first paragraph btw if you're already familiar with it. If not this first paragraph while explain it quickly. In D&D your alignment is dependant on two different scales, one being Good/Evil (Yes, Morality is subjective in IRL. But this example is strictly to highlight the table system) essentially addressing one's moral values. The other scale is Chaotic/Lawful, addressing one's own discipline, respect for rules, laws and authority. So you can get cases such as Batman (Lawful Good) because he fights for the good of Gotham city (Good), but always takes them in to the police, and has hard codes/guidelines in never killing people (Lawful. Debatebly this can be knocked to Neutral since he is essentially a renegade). Then you get someone like the Joker, clearly evil and messed up (evil) and completely unpredictable and wild (Chaotic). But Lawful =/= Good cause you get cases like Hitler who although seen as the most evil man in history had a system, he followed codes, he didn't kill simply to kill. All deaths were for a purpose, twisted purpose mind you, but there was always cause and reason. And Chaotic =/= Evil cause you can get cases like Robin Hood, good cause he always tries to help the poor, but chaotic in that he does it by outright opposing and rebelling the rich and authority.[/hider] Now, why did I just go D&D there? Because Agnostic and Atheist work on a similliar scaling system. But instead of being one's morality and obedience the scales are one's beliefs, and how firm one is in those beliefs. Starting with the belief scale, in this case the two ends in question will be Atheist and Theist. Both I'm assuming are fairly obvious by now, one is a lack of a religion/belief in terms of organized worships, church, specific gods etc (atheists are still able to believe in stuff such as ghosts, dragons, mermaids, UFO probing aliens etc) and the other being a set belief/practice of a god, may it be Christian, Muslim etc. Then we have the scale of how firm one is. Now in the simplest form one side of Agnostic and the other is Gnostic. But in truth there are more inbetweens and variance in this. But we only need the simple version here to get my point across. Agnostic is where one is casual, relaxed and/or questioning. You can have both Agnostic Atheists and Agnostic Theist. The Agnostic Atheism will tend to be like "I don't know if there's a god or not. But I don't really believe one currently" and is far more likely to avoid religious debates than take part in them, unless if their objective is purely to learn and try to understand both God and a lack of god better. While an Agnostic Theist is basically your casual religious person, they're the kinds who may pray at night but never bring their religion into day to day life. They might not even see the bible was a legitimate source, but they do have a belief in a God regardless of the fact. But it plays a rather small/insignificant role in their lives. Then there's Gnostic, this is your extremes (which I would probably fall under on the atheist side). Your Gnostic Atheists are going to be your Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Carl Sagans, Neil Tysons, Bill Nye's etc. You not only don't believe in God but have some sort of problem or issue with it, and will go out of there way to debate it, prove it wrong and try to get it removed from places such as schools. They not only don't believe in a God, they are very sure, firm and vocal about it. While your Gnostic Theists will be those ISIS, Westboro Baptists, Door to door Jehovah witnesses, Or any parent who threatened their child with Hell and/or going to church. These are the ones who try to preach and force their religion on others. Try to declare a "War on God" is taking place, strongly fight for "In God we trust" to stay on the bill. And in more extreme cases, picket funerals and cut off the heads of little children. Note: Like I said earlier, the table is in fact more complex than this. So cases such as Jehovah Witnesses and ISIS are in fact separated and not treated at the same level of extremism. So in regards to when you said: [quote=Protagonist]An Atheist has to actively believe in no God.[/quote] That would be the case for a Gnostic Atheist, but not an Agnostic Atheist. [quote=Protagonist]2. I'm misusing the term Communist somewhat, I should be using the term "Marxist". Whatever anyone else tells you, it would likely not be heretical to support an economic system where all wealth is controlled by the state, though it might not be intuitive, either. However, being being a Christian is impossible, for similar reasons that one cannot be a Christian Objectivist. It's an axiom of Marxism that God does not exist,[/quote] 2. There are cases of Christians who completely dismiss the Bible mind you. So although Christianity and Marxism may be a contradiction, there are contradictions in religion all the time. It's not going to stop someone to adopt a political view that conflicts with their religion. Though granted these are in most cases the Agnostic Theists I described above, this is far less likely to happen with a Gnostic. [quote=Neobullseye]Actually, I'm a he, but thanks for the support anyway :P[/quote] Ah, sorry. The avatar threw me off. :P