[quote=Scarifar] I thought we told you before that Sword's Graveyard is an Action Field, not really a Field Spell. [/quote] Got it got it XP That was the original CS from the first time I posted it, I forgot it was horribly out of date. Also bringing back these: Name - Daemon McKillings Age - 34 Gender - Male Course Teaching - Tribute Summoning [Hider=Appearence][img= http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/282/6/1/___colress_again____by_thelegendaryraikou-d5h9wsg.jpg][/hider] Professor McKillings is quick and to the point with his teaching, giving his students a lecture of sorts, then dropping a homework assignment on them that revolves around said assignment. Of course, he's open to helping students with any questions they might have. Despite his straight-forward attitude, he's usually layed back, letting students do whatever they'd like in his class within reason, as long as they get their work done before hand, causing his classroom to get pretty loud and rowdy. He holds students accountable for their own mistakes, as well as anyone else who happens to make them. Professor McKillings graduated from a prestigious Dueling high school, moving on to work for a branch of Industrial Illusion's as a card tester. He had a prestigious career at Industrial Illusion's due to his knowledge of most every card ever produced. While he was at the company, he received a sort of promotion for his hard work, recieving a set of three reproduction cards of his choosing, said card being 'The Winged Dragon of Ra.' After 15 years working there, he decided to end his career and move on to teach at LDS in Miami. [Hider=McKilling's Deck] [Monsters=19] The Winged Dragon of Ra x3 Nimble Momonga x3 Treeborn Frog x3 Dupe Frog x3 Swap Frog x3 Ronintoadin x3 Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness x1 [Spells=18] Double Summon x3 Gold Sarcophagus x1 Pot of Avarice x1 Reload x1 Soul Exchange x3 Mystical Space Typhoon x3 Mound of the Bound Creator x3 Sword's of Revealing Light x3 [Traps=6] Mirror Force x3 Scrap-Iron Scarecrow x3[/hider] --- Name - Alice Okiyama Age - 8 Gender - Female [Hider=Appearence][img= http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/0370f8ded4457a4c87f6d39921983f08/http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l141/Mrs_wakamiya/Anime%20Girls/anime-gothicloli-1.jpg][/hider] Alice Okiyama is the sister of Korbin Okiyama. Unlike her brother, she's a lot more polite and humble. Because she is bound to a hospital bed most of the day due to a heart condition, she's a little awkward, having trouble talking and maintaining a conversation. She does share one quality with her brother: a love for dueling. She hasn't ever been challenged by anyone except for her brother, but if she were to be, then she wouldn't refuse it. [Hider=Alice's Deck] [Monsters=20] Wind-Up Soldier x3 Wind-Up Warrior x2 Wind-Up Shark x3 Wind-Up Knight x2 Wind-Up Magician x1 Wind-Up Dog x3 Wind-Up Rat x3 Wind-Up Bee x3 [Spells=8] Pot of Duality x2 Mystical Space Typhoon x3 Wind-Up Factory x3 [Traps=12] Bottomless Trap Hole x1 Mirror Force x3 Dimensional Prison x2 Torrential Tribute xx1 Trap Stun x3 Overwind x2 [Extra Deck=7] Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh x2 Wind-Up Zenmaister x2 Wind-Up Zenmaines x2 Wind-Up CarriEr Zenmaity x1[/hider]