Jack finished loading up the back of the pickup truck, pulling up the gate and locking it shut. Everything they needed for the next week was in there, as well as the small trailer attached to the very end of it. Besides their luggage, which actually took up much of the space, they had to bring enough food to last them a week, and perhaps more, and lots of alcohol, of course. It was spring break, and they weren't getting any younger. "Alright, that's the last of it, hope you haven't forgotten anything, because we sure a hell ain't gonna turn back around." he laughed, climbing into the driver's seat of the truck. He had appointed himself driver, and being the stubborn guy he was, had insisted on being such. Well, it wasn't that he could make the whole trip, the house they had decided on was a long ways away, deep into the countryside,and about a half mile from any other people. "But seriously, double check it, and hit the toilet before we leave, it's a pretty long drive, and we wanna get there before tomorrow afternoon." Scarlett couldn't help but grin as she climbed into the back seat of the truck, letting someone else take the passenger's side. After all, they hadn't seen each other in a while now, and she would consider her the type of person who didn't exactly like to let friends go so easily. It had struck her pretty hard when they had a falling out during college, but now that they had reconnected again, it made her, well, elated! "Oh God, you guys," she giggled, "This is gonna be so great! Like, just so erstaunlich*!" She clicked the seat belt in place and leaned back into the soft cushions of the seats, pulling her feet up to rest on the chair with her. "And it's supposed to be a really nice house too, everyone who stays there says it's a nice place!" *amazing