[b][u]Character Sheet[/u][/b] [center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/afzbglb.png[/IMG] [I]”Gotta keep living, gotta keep living. The outside, no, the whole world! It conspires against me.”[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Atlas Hargrave [b]Age:[/b] 17, seventeen. [b]Height:[/b] 5'9" [b]Build:[/b] Slim/Average [b]Reason for Insomnia:[/b] Ever since a tragic accident brought him dangerously close to death, he has become intensely paranoid of the world's dangers. Even sleep is defiled by his overactive terrors. [b]Personality:[/b] Plagued by day terrors and night terrors alike, Atlas just barely keeps himself on the shallow end of sanity. It takes all of his concentration to seem somewhat normal around others, so it actually makes him quite the reclusive being. Due to the strain that it takes to keeps his bubble of safety secure around others, he finds himself straying from humanity and becoming a hermit of sorts. School, however keeps him human, capable of interacting if only in the most quiet of ways. Regardless of all of this though, due to his paranoia, he tends to have things planned several steps ahead in order to keep his terrors from coming true. Which shows a sort of intellect and caution. Even if others would go against him, Atlas is independent enough and more-so frightened enough, that he would do things his own way regardless. [b]Bio:[/b] (Will reveal in IC)