Deep beneath the Sea of Secrets, Kun went about her vast and numerous machinations. A being of massive proportions, it was only natural that she should have a mind equally massive, which was then positioned itself to oversee the Sea Queen's many interests and responsibilities. She regulated the tide according to the lunar schedule, kept the oceanic currents flowing evenly, carefully guided the steady pace of the tectonic forces along the ocean floor and ensured that the salinity of the sea stayed consistent. All the while, she watched over half of the world, her lunar eye seeing all and learning much. A small band of merfolk were raiding a human fishing village. A polar kraken and a great, white whale were battling for dominance in the frozen seas of the South Pole. A particular school of plankton were an interesting shade of green tonight. Compared to her important work, the struggles of the other gods were rather pointless to her. Let them squabble and fight amongst themselves, it makes little difference. They will dispute and battle each other, love each other and kill each other, as they always had. The world, and Kun, would carry on all the same. If they by any chance forayed where she felt they should not be, she would handle the situation, as she was more than capable of doing. For someone so busy, Kun had surprisingly few worries. Age and experience did away with those sorts of things, and had left only steadfastness and serenity in their place. There was no need to worry, or to be upset. As long as the sun, the moon, and the earth existed, there would be the sea, and there would be Kun.