[b] [u]Jack[/u] [/b] [i]“I don't understand your reaction, you know I’m just speaking the truth. Aphrodite is the only one who will be able to tell you whether or not we are destined to be with one another; why don't you go ask her if you’re so curious to find out. Though leave me out of it, those whom reside in that cabin do not always see eye to eye with me; for example the other day they attempted to see me wearing a floral print dress, and I in turn almost succeeded in seeing them having their flesh torn piece by piece from their bodies as they burned down in the Underworld.[/i] Jack shook his head nearly rolling his eyes "I... Aphrodite... ugh, nevermind Erin." He straightened his back standing tall above most of the people around him, his hair falling about his eyes. [i]“Stop being such a tease and kiss the guy already; geez Erin, you can’t keep leading him on like you are.”[/i] Eyes widening at Arianna's bluntness he couldn't help from feeling a bit choked up and not knowing how to respond to a comment like that. Sure he liked Erin, but he didn't want it to go this way. This just made him feel, awkward. Every part of his body especially his hands felt out of place, like they didn't fit in anywhere. Unsure what to do with them he resolved to stuffing them in the pockets of his long coat. Erin looked at him, [i]“Jack, don’t expect an apology from me, you know it is not in my nature. Besides, I have done nothing wrong.” [/i] Frustration built up in him at this point and he muttered to himself, "It was a joke, a freakn' joke. Don't take it so seriously." Ky's eye narrowed at his comment and he noticed some of the girls edge back nervously. Jack didn't really see the need to as he had never seen Ky' as a huge threat. [i]"You are not the only one in this camp to have suffered under that bitch's torment, Jack. I was in the infirmary for months after the crap my friends and I went through. From what I heard you just walked around in the same place that I was trapped in first. I had to bust my way out of there with a leg that was broken in three, ribs that were bruised and a cracked skull. I had to save Derek, then I faced one of my biggest fears and I swear if you think that I don't understand what you all went through... Then I obviously haven't done my job right and I have nothing more to say to you right now."[/i] Anger built up in him just as easily as it had in Ky'. Before he could respond, however, she was already moving away, dragging Syleste along in trail. [i]"Seriously? You know she was one of the first be a pawn in Ate's games, and because of that she lost almost every one of her friends... Why are you so hard on your sister anyway?"[/i] He snapped at this point, blowing up on Erin. It wasn't really her fault, but with the latest tensions he couldn't take it anymore. "Ky is not the only one that has had a tough life. I'm a bloody cursed skeleton!" At this point fire was spreading up his body quickly burning off all his skin, fueled by his anger and frustration. Soon all that was left was his skeleton flames burning in his eyes. "We've all lost someone along the way, it's what comes with being a half-blood." His voice was raised almost to the point of yelling and his hands clenched at his side. If there was skin he was sure that the knuckles would have been white they were clenched so tightly. Anger emanated from where his pores would be and he could feel fear in the surrounding campers. "I don't need this right now," turning his stalked off towards the sea, footprints of fire being left in his wake. [b] [u]Astrid[/u] [/b] Astrid watched scared at Jack's outburst. The level of anger that could be felt from him caused her fear to spike, both for herself and for him. As he strode away she called out, "Jack, wait..." He ignored her too filled with rage. She started after him, but hesitated thinking it would be best if he was on his own right now. He needed to blow off some steam. She sighed conflicted on whether she should go after Ky' either. Her siblings were so... stupid sometimes. Ky' should have known that Jack was only joking, as it seemed only she could pick up on, and Jack shouldn't have blown up on Erin either. Her thoughts clouded her mind, making her completely oblivious to the changes Erin was making around her.