- Name: Joshua Tamashii - Age: 13 - Grade: 8 - Course Attended/Taught: Fusion - Appearance: [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/c76de7aa6bb3685a6ccbdd4616b2aef8/http://i259.photobucket.com/albums/hh284/Gaara_love_me/Emo%20bois/757967117_l-1.jpg?t=1242027110[/img] - Personality: Joshua is rough on the outside but a gentle and caring person on the inside. When you first meet him he will either ignore or insult you but given time you will find a loyal friend who is willing to go the extra mile to help you. He can be very good on his feet and adapt to what's going on around him, a trait that's helped him out of many a situation. During duels Joshua tends to remain focused on his opponent and does his best to keep a level head. If he sees his opponent is new to dueling he will often try to help them out but he won't pull his punches , since he sees that as disrespectful. He goes all out and tries to do his best while having fun. - Deck List [hider= Joshua's deck] Monsters: Destiny HERO Captain Tenacious x3 Destiny HERO Diamond Dude x3 Destiny HERO Doom Lord x3 Destiny Hero Fear Monger x3 Elemental HERO Shadow Mist x3 Destiny HERO Dasher x2 Destiny HERO Double Dude x2 Destiny HERO Dogma x3 Destiny HERO Plasma x3 Spells: Polymerization x3 Mask Change x3 Destiny Draw x3 Fusion Recovery x3 D-Spirit x2 Traps: D-Counter x3 D-Shield x3 D-Mirage x3 Destiny Signal x2 Extra Deck: Destiny End Dragoon x3 Masked HERO Dark Law x3 Vision HERO Adoration x3 Vision HERO Trinity x3 [/hider] - Other Details ------- - Name: Amelia Averyonna - Age: 11 - Grade 6 -Course Attended/Taught: Synchro - Appearance: [Img]http://www.success-corp.co.jp/software/ps2/akaiito/images/charpct02.jpg[/img] - Personality Amelia is a kind, polite, but very shy girl who has difficulty talking to others. Despite being brought up in an environment were she could get anything she wants(i.e, she's rich) she doesn't view anyone as being lower then her, but instead sees them as being better then her. She doesn't value money or material goods but rather she values the people she's around and feels like she could trust, seeing as she has never really had anyone to call a friend before. During a duel it's obvious she's still learning the game and lacks confidence. Despite this she can still hold her own because she constantly practices, although it's unlikely she'll win. - Deck List [hider=Deck List] Monsters: Bi'an, Earth of the Yang Zing x3 Bixi, Water of the Yang Zing x3 Chiwen, Light of the Yang Zing x3 Jiaotu, Darkness of the Yang Zing x3 Pulao, Wind of the Yang Zing x3 Suanni, Fire of the Yang Zing x3 Taotie, Shadow of the Yang Zing x3 Spells: Supply Squad x3 Swords of Revealing Light x1 Yang Zing Path x3 Yang Zing Prana x3 Traps: Yang Zing Brutality x3 Yang Zing Creation x3 Yang Zing Unleashed x3 Extra Deck Baxia, Brightness of the Yang Zing x3 Yazi, Evil of the YangZing x3 Armades, Keeper of Boundries x3 Leo, Keeper of the Sacred Tree x3 Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon x3 [/hider] - Other Details: Amelia suffered from an unknown heart condition that can cause her tremendous pain and to cough up blood whenever she is pushed beyond her physical limits. Even though this is a severe handicap for her, especially turning Action Duels or gym class, she pushes forwards despite it, hating it when people pity her because of the condition. Note: Still planning on doing to fall and rise of Joshua thing