[quote=Caits] "it's all about your attitude. Doesn't matter that I'd probably be at a loss here. As long as I act like I can take care of myself, I'll be fine" she smiled once more, hooking her thumbs in her pockets [/quote] "Good girl, don't worry about those guys though. Every one of them is a low level thug for the local cartel, the ring leader out there thinks he runs the area, he ain't shit. Ah, here's my apartment." He spoke as him and Niehsa walked, opening the door he walked in. The place was very unkept as there was bowls and pizza boxes from the past week or two. "Pardon the mess, I'm normally to busy finding work to care about my place. Only time I'm here is caring for my plants or sleeping." Immediately he pulled out two bags, and packed a third with clothes, then he walked around pulling drawers to grab knives, moved the fridge (which was empty and not even plugged in, gutted to be as light as possible and on pads for easy movement) to grab a machete off the back of it. Next Milo walked into the bathroom and pulled a lose tile near the shower head grabbing his 9mm, and a small wad of cash, then off to the bedroom pulling his only not really hidden gun (his 45) out of his nightstand tucking it in a bag. Lastly moving to his old school T.V opening its back grabbing his 50 caliber revolver, and his "bag of sunshine." Next he doused his small back room with gasoline which he kept on the fire escape, lighting the zippo that was on a small counter next to the door. -assuming Nessie went in- "I'd recommend leaving now... you know I never got your name... still I'd recommend getting out of there." He said as he waited for her to leave the apartment.