[quote=Let's Go On A Date!]So here's what I found out today. One, do not gamble with Saber. Two, a rule where the winner is the one to have ten more hits than the opponent can end up in an infinite hell if the ones playing are at about the same level. And lastly, [b]Saber is physically weaker than us if she does not use her magical energy.[/b][/quote] Without Prana Burst, Saber's just a weak teenage girl. Prana Burst is what lets her fight on par with everyone else. Rin!Saber has A rank STR because Rin's a better Master than Shirou. Or more accurately, because she's an excellent Master and is capable of maxing out Saber as a Servant. If you're not a good enough Master, for instance Shirou or Kotomine, then your Servant will be weaker than they would be otherwise. [hider=MadEnhancement][img=http://i.imgur.com/8xprhZa.jpg] See the yellow bars that are circled? Those are the bonuses from Mad Enhancement. Stat sheets take into account passive boosts like Mad Enhancement and signify them like that if so, as a general rule. Without Mad Enhancement, he has B+ STR. Same goes for Lancy's stat sheet, and so on.[/hider] But yeah, Cu and Herc have the same STR rank, though Herc has a modifier, and Not!Kojiro has a higher AGI than base Herc. Servants =/= Heroic Spirits. The Servant is generally a nerfed version of the Heroic Spirit. First they're limited by virtue of being a half-rate copy, then by the Grail system, then by the Class system, then by being crammed into a spiritual core. In that way, Herc who lifted the heavens and Francis Drake are able to be put on the same "scale". In the case of stronger Heroic Spirits like Herc, the Servant won't live up to the hype. If you're still having some trouble understanding, let me know. You're now marked down for Ahchah.