First off, I RP in MY OWN way, if you don't like it, don't rp with me. I like character sheets BEFORE the actual roleplay starts to get a feel of your character and how they'll mesh together.
If you don't try to fly... |Basics| Name: Kelly Parker-Morgan Nick Names: Kitty Age: 19 Birthday: August 14th, 1995 Sexuality: Pansexual Species: Human Species Names: Homosapien <<font size="4">|Physical| Ethnicity: Caucasion Height: 5'4'' Weight: 116.9 Pounds Natural Hair Color: Light Brown Current Hair Color: Redish Orange Hair Length: Just under her shoulders Eye Color: Grayish Blue Build: Thin with soft muscle Tattoos: A small henna style tattoo on her right foot Peircings Her left nostril, ears gauged to 5/8" |Personality| Personality Description: Kelly is very quiet, she's often an outcast and doesn't have many friends. She can often be found sitting in a tree, reading a book or drawing the nature around her. She doesn't like to talk to anyone, only her dog or her older brother. Strengths: Kelly isn't very physically strong, but she's extremely intelligent. She is a very fast learner, although she likes to keep things to herself. Weaknesses: Kelly has a major weakness for books, if someone gives her a book then they're her best friend. She also has a weakness for animals, mostly cats and horses but any will make her giggle and want to snuggle with them. History: Being the only child to two lawyers was hard, but it had it's good parts; she never went hungry, she always had good clothes to wear, and she always had someone to take care of her. But, more often than not, it was her nanny, Lily. Kelly knew her parents loved her and really did what they thought was best, but at times it was twisted in Kelly's young mind. But once Kelly turned seven teen, she moved out. Her parents were worried, but they paid for everything, they paid her rent on the small loft apartment that she got. They gave her a brand new jeep on her sixteenth birthday and paid for everything for her car. Kelly wanted to support herself, but her parents didn't see how her art could pay for everything in her life. Now that she finished high school and has moved onto college and is now an art major, her life is good right now. Aside from being bullied in school and people putting her aside due to her quiet nature. She often retreats into the woods with her dog and sketch pad, a few hours of that and she's stress free and able to take on the world, quietly of course. will you ever know how high you can go? Character Requirements -Male -20-24 -Not Gay -Artistic/bad boy type -Tattoos are a must, piercings are optional -His personality has to be on the quiet, yet firm side. He has to have a back bone and will not allow anyone to push him, or the people he cares about, around. -Preferably a black haired or red haired face. Thank you for reading!