M'rayl was left speechless out of nervousness the more she took in of this intimidating alien life form that stood before her...or more like leaning before her well past her comfort zone for such an encounter. Not only that but he began to try and analyze her nervousness, making her even more nervous, making the awkward situation stand out even more and cause a cycle of nervousness that would only get worse. There was no way that she could muster up the courage to fix his minor error in that she was not called a security officer; there was no such actual position on the ship, at least by that name. The term officer was reserved for those of higher rank, the Executive Officer being in charge of security, for example. In some languages the term officer could be used for any person working in security jobs such as the police, but in Anolo this was not the case. Perhaps he didn't know of this translation error, but it was still understandable to most people and wouldn't cause anyone to mistake her as being an actual officer in charge of security. All things considered she'd let it go. Perhaps someone else might point out these thoughts racing through her head and spare her of having to explain. Luckily she was at least spared from the conversation at hand by who turned out to be the Engineering Officer approaching them. Ah, an actual officer, and the hero of the day! Or minute, perhaps. Shor'Gen made one last comment to her about a physical, which caused her to shutter slightly, but that ended their interaction for the time being and allowed her to sneak away and gather her thoughts. She had no choice but to go along with a recommendation for a physical by the lead physician, so she knew that there was no getting out of it, but for the time being she'd pretend that this was all just a bad dream and move along. She didn't even both sticking around to hear what her "hero" had to say. Instead, something about nearby crates caught her attention. Had the crates always been like that? Being with security it would be her job to check out anything suspicious going on and she was the "better safe than sorry" type. That being said she hesitantly made her way over to them, her slender fingers making their way to the IG Enforcer pistol at her hip. She wasn't going to shoot anyone unless absolutely necessary, but if a bad person was around it wouldn't hurt for intimidation factor to have it at the ready. ******************** Arma made his move when the cloaked figure made his way through a currently deserted area of the financial district. It was under some construction and the workers had yet to arrive to go about their daily grind. He silently raised his blades up into position as he rushed at him, intent on stabbing the unarmed man in the back. He didn't like resorting to such tactics to kill people with no chance of fighting back, but it was his mission to stop this madman at all cost so he couldn't take any risk of letting him live. He closed his eyes at the last second, not too keen on seeing the outcome of this fatal blow, even if this man deserved his fate. ...Only he felt himself travel much further than expected with no resistance until her felt a firm grip on his right wrist. W-what?! He dodged?! His eyes opened wide in shock just in time to see himself face plant into a patch of grass off on the side of the cobblestone road where he ambushed the man. He tried to move but was pinned down by an iron grip on his right wrist and the back of his neck, as well as the pressure of the man's knee on his back that ensured he wouldn't be getting up any time soon despite his violent squirming to break free. He expected this to be the end of him for a good couple of seconds until he felt the grip on him loosen intentionally, allowing him to crawl forward a couple of feet and turn around in order to face his opponent, who was surprisingly in a playful looking squat, making no further efforts to confront him. Instead he reached out his right hand, palm upwards, after a couple seconds of silence. "Need some help getting up?" He questioned lightly, as if they were walking in the park and he was simply helping someone up who had tripped. Arma stammered, unable to get any coherent thoughts out at the question. What sort of mad bomber was this person? Could he have mistaken this man for another cloaked killer? But how many people would wear this exact outfit at the same time and location of his target? That was too big of a coincidence. So what was this man's motives for playing things casual? Trying to let his guard down? But his guard was already down when he was pinned. He couldn't think of anything but knew it must be a trap of some sort so he quickly swung his right sword at the man's left side, only for the man to raise his left arm up and block the blow against the side of his forearm with a loud clanging sound. Underneath that clothing must have been some very durable material, surprising for how swiftly he was able to move around in it. Before Arma could retract his blade the man had grasped onto it, holding it in place despite Arma's struggling. It quickly dawned on Arma that he had no chance of winning. His eyes darted around to find a clear path of escape. "I wouldn't try to run without a plan. It looks like they have snipers trained on us just in case you'd fail your assignment," the cloaked man said, his voice much more serious. His mask was tilted somewhere past Arma's shoulder rather than looking at him as he spoke. "W-what?" Arma managed to get out in his confusion. He turned his head to look in the direction the mask was facing when he was suddenly jerked forward by the grip on his sword. Not a second later a shot rang out, striking the earth where he had just been. A second shot struck the man's location, only now he was on his feet and making a swift get-a-way, dragging Arma in tow long enough for Arma's own two feet to plant onto the ground and allow him to start running on his own initiative. For reasons he couldn't explain he continued following after the man, as if he was his only hope of survival. That sniper shot, if not a horrible miss, was meant to take him out as well. Whoever had hired him meant business and didn't like failures. Another shot rang out but they ducked into an alleyway just in time to avoid it. "My name is Ahn Vora, captain of a ship called the Exeralune. I know this may seem odd, but I'd like to hire you to serve on our security team, young sir," Ahn spoke up as they ran. Sir...so this man was able to tell his gender! That was a first! Perhaps this man wasn't so bad after all, but this was all too confusing to figure out at the moment. "Y-you ask this of me now?!" Arma questioned, bewilderment flooding his tone of voice. "And why?!" "Of course I'd ask now. We may not have much time before liftoff," Ahn replied, matter-of-factly but in a teasing way. "As for why, your agility is nothing to laugh at, although you may need a few pointers on some things." "T-thanks?" He replied, more as a question than anything else. "And not much time because?" "We may have more visitors than just that sniper..."