GM: Kitty Co-GM: Demon-Shinobi The President has signed the Regulation of Extraterrestrials and Abnormal Changes in Humans Program, or the R.E.A.C.H Program. Anyone with super human powers or a human with abnormally trained skills(think artemis, green arrow, batman, robin, etc.) will now be forced to register their identification with the government in order to use their powers and skills in public. Those who refuse are treated as criminals and arrested as such. Humans should not fear an undercover invasion like the tragedy of June 2016. Humans will never live in fear again of not knowing who their neighbor really is at night. Superhumans will never fear showing people their true selves. It is a world of harmony. At least that is what everyone thought. People who have registered have begun to disappear. Everyone excluding the Justice League, Young Justice Team, and every single villain in the world. The league has yet to address the issue yet to keep the world from panicking but have decided that the team is to look into the problem and figure it out before anything bad happens. --- Greetings! So, let's get down to business. Kitty's Rp is filled to the brim with men, and she's feeling a bit outnumbered. Here's the link for anyone interested. [Url=]