Character Sheet Name:Kai Grant Age: 18 Reason for Insomnia: From an early age he has had a nightmare of being locked in a room with his sisters and ever since his mind fights off sleep, as a little of corner of it tells him that if he falls asleep again it will be another nightmare of being locked away with no freedom. This thought in the corner of his mind terrifies him, resulting in no sleep. Personality: He's very active and is frankly afraid of being cooped up in any place for long. He has a sense of humor. He also likes to try and make others laugh and hopefully they share a similar taste in humor... If not, well, they might not get what he's laughing about and this could make the situation get ugly. He also possesses very high confidence in things he has done and if he hasn't done a thing-as long as he has an idea of how to do it-then there is a good chance he's gonna give it a go. On the value side of things he tries to be a good guy in that he is: loyal. Some values he could work on: Being more reliable, Being more generous, being honest all the time. Bio: Kai lived a rough life. Since an early age his older sisters used to pick on him by calling him names, criticising what he did at home, taking away his stuff and other bullying tactics. He told his parents about it and they just said he had to live with it and be more mature, since he was the man of the house. This upset him and later on that day he thought he could sleep it off. That only made it worse as sleep brought about the image of being locked in his room with his two sisters tormenting him with no way out. After waking in a cold sweat the following morning, he decided from them on to take a daily walk around the block or around the town-he frankly didn't care which, he just had to get the hell out of the house. These walks helped him meet new people, learn about new events: such as sporting events which he signed up for since the age of ten with his parents permission. He got to play basketball, football, badminton and floor hockey on competitive teams. It was a good experience for him and helped him build social skills and confidence in himself. The boring side of his life was that he was enrolled in school since the age of five but most of it he didn't care for. English, math, science and whatever other written class subject he slept during-he still managed to pass. His parents weren't too pleased with his grades but he didn't really care because he was 'the man of the house' as they said and he could make his own decisions. Now more recently-as in a couple years ago, he got his motorcycle license-got a job at a retail store and saved enough money to buy his own motorcycle. What he does now is sleep during his final year of highschool and for fun he plays sports with his friends or cruise around with his motorcycle. Appearance: [hider=My Spoiler][img=][/hider]