"Bun is always late! Even when we're told to meet at his Den he's late.. But I've been good.. Moon's been letting me put frost around the North so it's been fun.. Always fun messing with Bunny.. Any idea what the Man In The Moon wants?" He asked jumping up to sit on Santa's desk. It was clear he had been told many times not to, but never listened. After all, he was fun why would he listen to a silly rule like no sitting on the desk. Looking over to Jack he smiled warmly. "By the way, you can just call me Frost.. Mind if I call you Pumpkin King or something? Since it's confusing having two Jacks around." He joked with a big grin. He was about to crack another joke when he felt a buzzing in his ear. Rubbing his ears Jack realized who it was and focused on listening. "Huh... Seems a new guardian is asking the Moon for help and he wants some of us to go check up... Hey! I know where that place is! I was there when Santa called me.. King wanna come with me? You're the only one I can use the winds with and no one else can fly fast enough without them." He asked jumping off the desk. Normally he wouldn't be so excited but he knew this was the figure he had seen before and this was his chance to meet whoever it was. So he was determined to one of the guardians to go help.