[b]Volray[/b] The way to the dock that this new ship was supposed to be dockt was actually not all that easy to find if you dont know where you need to go. Well Volray only heard about this new ship as people are talking about it and has gotten a general direction from someone but with all these streets going all directions and making turns it became pretty tricky to navigate to a direction. Eventually Volray sat down on a bench "You know what, never mind, If thing keep going like this I wont even be able to get back to my own ship once I need to return, to bad would have liked to see this new ship" As he Sighed a sudden sound was heard echoing. He recognized the sound instantly, he was trained with snipers and this was without a doubt a sniper rifle shot, once, no two shots. Quickly he stood up, Why would there be sniper shots here? Did people get wounded? Has this to do with that new ship? Is this the start of some IGCP war? If so, would this mean the Shiira need to fight as well as they were talking about joining or are they still not part of the IGCP and with it are they free to go? Questions run though his heads but in reality he would find out any of these if he were to check it out. Volray started to run as his training and instincts set in towards where the shots echo'd from. Since he had heard it navigating though the streets was a little easier. A 3e shot.. who ever it was aimed for seemed to have some luck. and this one was damn right close, just though this alleyway. As volray entered the alleyway he stood face to face with 2 individuals, one was cloaked with a mask, the other seemed like a girl. The girl was clearly alarmed, the masked one was hard to tell. For now Volray stood on his spot on the other end of the alleyway. one of his hands were behind his back ready to make his swords if needed while the other activated his shield type device. "Just to be sure, you guys are the ones being attacked or are you part of who ever is attacking?" of course they could be bystanders but judging the situation and the individuals them self, the mask was suspicious and the other's look on his face seemed like he was fire on rather then seeing it happen. "I guess your the targets, or at least the lady, would you need some help?" he asked genuine and hoped they could tell somehow, using words was so much harder to bring over honest feelings and thoughts or for that matter so the same with the other way around. ----- [b]Reaper[/b] On a different planet in a different section... An old man was walking trough a large corridor, 4 huge males were beside him as they guided him to the bathroom. One of the males went inside and came out nodding. the old man sighed in relieve, he had to go but he also knew someone inside his corporation wanted him out of the way, if he was dead then that person would gain a huge amount of money, it was too bad that there were so many that would get money in large amounts, he could not hire anyone to take that person out himself without risking to kill the wrong man, something that would only drain his money and lower his assets, something he could not risk. He walked into the bathroom and sat down on the toilet after looking around and confirming that nothing was there himself. "you need some better guards" A voice said suddenly. The man looked up at the ceiling where the voice came from, a shocked expression filled his eyes, an angry one followed once he noticed no one was there. "who is the joker that placed a microphone here" he asked, irritation filled his voice. "both you and your guard made a mistake then" the voice responded. Then from nowhere appeared a black robe hanging off the ceiling, 2 blue glowing lights that might fit as eyes were all that could be seen from under the hood. The man's eyes filled with fear, he knew who this was and he could not believe it, the man knew that he was looking at The Reaper... He wanted to scream but suddenly his voice cut off, he felt something he could not see, a blade? then he felt something wet slide past his neck, he touched it and looked at it, it was red, it was blood, his blood. Fear filled his eyes again, he tried to look at what was in his neck but could not see anything, but then as if the reaper wanted to grand the man's wish to see what would kill him it appeared, a large scythe blade with a black gem on its back, it seemed to be attached by a red gem, something felt weird with that gem and then it hit him, the gem was not red from origin, it was just soaked with enough blood though time that it permanently had colored the gem red.. then he noticed the details of the staff of the weapon, skulls and other bones, he had studied a lot of alien skulls in his prime before he was send to this wasteland called the junkyard by his old company partners in order to take control of his old company, and it only seemed normal to find his end by an similar event, still the man never regretted building company's and becoming successful and rich, only thing he regretted was not seeing the signs both times that he was about to be taken out of the game, still those bones, he did not recognize them at all, yet they seemed familiar. "who, what are you?" was what he asked to the reaper. he never believed in supernatural things like a grim reaper, but the person had no head, or so it seemed, just 2 eyes, able to stick to a ceiling and become invisible while having a invisible weapon of such unknown origin, it did not make sense. "I am death, I am your Reaper" with that said the Reaper sliced the man's head of in a single slash, showing how sharp the blade is. the man only looked with fear when he heard that before losing his live, and ironically at the last second he realized what race those bones belonged to, something the reaper would have wanted to know, something that could have saved the man's live, but both will never know how it might have changed things now... As the man's lifeless body hit the floor, the Reaper disappeared once more and funny enough just opened the door, letting the guards know something was up, he waited for the guards to enter the room before slipping out himself, sticking to the ceiling all the way he made his way out of the building before disappearing into the night