Hm, I am not sure about the reason for insomnia, would the one I put in the form work? Or shall I change it up? Appearance: [img][/img] He is on the taller side with 182cm but is build pretty thin. He wears glasses only when he reads, or use the computer. Name: Simon Pagliaro Age: 18 Reason for Insomnia: There are a few things that overlapped, his little sister not feeling well, having coughing fits and fewer. The stress from school as he tries to do the work in time of his lessons, and a anime he watches to cheer himself up, when he isnt by his sister side. Personality: He is a happy person, smiling most of the times and being overly polite. At times even falling into a bad habit of saying sorry for things he isnt at fault. What always cheers him up even when he feels alone and down is his own imagination. Loving to create stories and adventures for a different more free life. He can be extremely geeky over some topics and when introduced to a new idea, for example a tv show that peeks his interest, he would spend hours and hours to watch every single episode. It wouldnt let him think straight until he is done with it. And do that in time he should be sleeping, as day is mostly planned out. Than with great enjoyment use the world introduced to him to create adventures on his own. He is somewhat forgetfully when it comes to daily task, mostly to his habit to actually not hear them in the first place. As his mind is deep in space or far away on the sea, time traveling or who knows what. But there are things he never forget, and that are his day dreams and thing he read/watch that fulled his imagination. He has a childish fascination with cats and pirates, even only the really close to him would notice the later one. They home doesnt have a pet as his mother is allergic to fur. When he dreams he is nearly always exploring or traveling. But even when he is having a nightmarish or gore fulled dream because of something he recently watched or imagined, it lacks the feeling of fear. When he wakes up he would write his dreams down, enjoying to remember them. Bio: From early on he was always relayed on. His father one day disappointing, leaving his weak mother and sickish sister alone. Him being the man in house took it upon himself to help in the household and everywhere else. Learning to cook and do house work, looking after his family. His mind wandering into imaginary worlds while he was doing the work machine like. Still as he grow older his mother relayed even more on him to the point he felt he couldnt do everything that was asked off him. It felt like a burdened, coming from school directly home so he could tackle all things needed, at times skipping school to go to the doctor with his sister or dealing with administration and papers. He was the one who took care of the money and paying all the bills. Often making him feel like spending any money on anything beside the bills food and house is a sin. When it comes to school he was always around the middle or just down the mid line. His grades varying on subject. Mostly depending on if he had to do lots of task home or not. Simon enjoys school. Finding it a place where he can sleep, relaxs, day dream and organize for when he comes home. When it comes to friend he doesnt have many, because he just doesnt find the time to spend with them, never finding the time to go to parties he is invited or to enjoy the return home walk with others. As he always has to hurry somewhere the moment the bell rings the end of school time. Only a few people over the years stayed his friends. The one who understand his situation. He had a few part time jobs, but is always on look out for a better one.