Tabo watched as Haruka dodged the pink energy points, using a mixture of her footwork and shunpo to do so. Her timing was well, something that was good. He continued to watch her dodge, and as soon as she got the chance shot a Konogobaku towards him. "Need to be quicker," Tabo told her as he pointed his cane forward and shot out a Hyōga Seiran. The Hyōga Seiran froze over the Konogobaku yet continued rushing Haruka. Now she had to worry about the explosion radius of the Senjū Kōten Taihō and the ice rushing towards her from the Hyōga Seiran. The main reason that he used Hyōga Seiran was because he knew that it could shield her from the Senjū Kōten Taihō explosion, and he wanted to see if she would take that chance.