"Good, good," Joseph said, taking a seat beside her, "The man you met said you didn't look too well, have a look over yourself, will you? The rough see has left its mark on all of us." He smiled and stood up again, straightening his tie, which he was surprised had staid on his body since the crash. "In the meanwhile, we should hope that other people will find us, or perhaps just stumble upon us," he paused, "And not to mention the issues of food and water. It's lucky this island as a whole seems to be quite ripe in abundance of food." He placed his hands on hips and looked around them solemnly at the thick jungle in front of them. Yes, it was true that there seemed to be plenty of fruits lying on wait, but the real issue was water. Yes, it was a curse to be surrounded by such an abundance of it, yet it was all undrinkable! Curses! Perhaps they could drink from coconuts? He had heard that there was a sort of liquid akin to water hidden inside them, and even if it wasn't ideal, it was the best thing they had. "I would say to split up and look for food, but I hardly believe that's a wise decision. We lost so many I do indeed doubt it would be wise to lose more people." Joseph ran a hand through his tangled, disheveled hair, brushing out a few of the many knots that had collected in it. "But perhaps if we keep along the coast, we have a chance of finding something there." Suddenly, there was a scream, loud and piercing, ripping through the air. Joseph frowned, his eyebrows drawing together in worry, a million different situations running through his mind. "We should find whoever screamed," was he immediate reaction, and he voiced his opinion, despite not wanting to separate. But, they didn't have to, right? "Alana, you can still walk correct? We should make our way to whoever that was. Perhaps they need help, and they sounded but a short walk away."