Menkar frowned at the mere sight of the bandits. When they told everyone that they were going to loot the place, his grip tightened on his cane to the point that his knuckles turned white. Witnessing a mere child being the one to stand up to them, regardless of how capable he may have been, didn't help to quell his anger. Despite this, he made sure to maintain his frail façade, keeping the wings under his cloak folded just right so that they took on the appearance of a hunched back. As the bandits fled and the young man who stood up to them turned to face the villagers, ordering them to make preparations, Menkar approached the young man, and when he was only a couple feet away, spoke to him with the flawless imitation of an old man. "Innumerable wonderful, smart, brave, and kind young men and women gave their lives to keep this land from being thrown into despair. Innumerable families lost loved ones and close friends who fought to save them. And then these [i]worms[/i] come along and spit upon it all, caring about no one but themselves. They spit upon the bereaved, the heartbroken, the orphaned, the lonely, and the dead. Such people don't deserve to be part of this world." His hands shook with rage, "Happiness at the expense of others can only be described as [i]evil.[/i] Those [i]worms[/i] must be taught a harsh lesson." He turned towards the members of the crowd who hadn't left, his face still hidden by his hood as he spoke much louder. "[i]What[/i] are you doing just [i]standing[/i] there? Those who wish to fight, arm yourselves. Scythes, pitchforks, [i]sticks[/i],[i] rocks[/i], ANYTHING you can get your hands on will help. The rest of you, hide. Your deaths will only cause grief to those who care about you." [i]I'm going to have to drop this disguise eventually...[/i] Menkar thought to himself, [i]This village deserves to be saved. I can't hold anything back against these bandits. But I shall hold it a little bit longer. I do not want these villagers to get their hopes up with a dragon on their side, nor do I want the bandits to plan accordingly.[/i] Cane in hand, he turned and walked off slowly in the direction the bandits fled. He would watch for their approach from the edge of the village with the eyes of a natural hunter.