[b]Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School Grounds[/b] Following her words, Inoue simply gave a sigh - perhaps disappointed in not having been able to secure another member for her club after all. However, the older girl didn't seem to let it get her down - despite giving a momentarily displeased look as she turned to see that the previous group of three had grown to four, she still turned back to Kotori and agree to join them; at least once the other girl had left her friends to head off and to whatever business she may have to attend to. In spite of her previous sigh, Inoue went on to make it known that she wasn't all that surprised at the outcome - or really that disappointed. At her offer thereafter to come by occasionally - even calling her gentle and graceful, causing Kotori to avert her eyes in embarassement at the unexpected words - Kotori wasn't sure if she really could agree. Before she even could say anything, Inoue already spoke on; inviting her to visit a Thai restaurant that Sagat was looking to take over - this Sagat being one of the two MMA club members, Kotori assumed. Giving a weak nod in reply, Kotori still kept her eyes to the ground as they began walking over to the other three. Looking back up half-way there, Kotori could see that Noboru and one of the MMA Club members were talking whilst the third held a sort of vacant look on his face. The former meanwhile seemed to be on an earnest topic, judging by the looks they were sharing - but such an thought was easily conjured just from the atmosphere that hung about the three noticeably well-built boys. This, however, didn't perturb Inoue; the older girl instead walking right up to them and greeting them; showing no sign of hesitation in offering Noboru to join them at the Thai restaurant she'd mentioned before. Giving a small bow as she heard her own name mentioned, Kotori was almost relieved that she didn't have to speak up to introduce herself on her own - before looking back up in surprise at the offer to visit being extended today, rather than sometime in the future. Judging by his reply, Kotori could surmise that the shorter - which was clearly a relative term, given that the two of them towered over just about everyone else - one of the two male MMA Club members was called Sagat and the presumable future owner of said Thai restaurant; most likely a family business. Kotori, meanwhile, was preoccupied with whether or not to accept the offer - weighing the options of coming home late, getting to know a place she didn't know about in Warakuma and spending time with these people she'd only just met against one another. Ultimately, she decided to wait and see if Noboru would accept; it being hardly polite to be the only one to decline - or to pressure him into joining along, too.